REWIRING: Raw Talk about Business and Life

[S1E18] How Generators and MGs Magnetize Opportunities Instead of Chasing Them (And Why That's More Effective)

β€’ Aligned Alchemist: Human Design for Business β€’ Season 1 β€’ Episode 8

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The Awakening Primal Energy masterclass ($44) happening on 12/7 (Replay will be sent, drawing ends 5pm EST 11/25) 

Class Link:

  • 🎧 In this episode:
    • Why traditional "hustle harder" advice doesn't work for sacral beings in Human Design
    • The truth about your magnetic aura and attracting opportunities
    • How to know when to act vs. when to wait
    • Real talk about energy management and aligned action

You can find me @alignedalchemist everywhere.

YouTube, IG (not active except for DMs) and Threads

Hey, everyone. Welcome back to the podcast.  Today's a super quick episode just to touch upon something I see touted a lot in the business world and is projected upon generators and manifesting generators by a lot of people in the business space. I have my opinion on that. And what we're going to talk about today is the one thing that people get wrong about being a sacral being in business. Not an episode you're going to want to miss.



I'm not going to today. Oh my I 


 Hey everyone, before I get into the episode, I do want to let you know that today is the last day that you can sign up for the  Primal Energy Masterclass and get your, get a chance to have your chart used as an example.  And you can sign up for the class through December 3rd.


You've already kind of got a great group going and I'm excited about it. It's going to be a really epic class and  hope to see some of you in there. The sales page for that is in the show notes.  Something that  I have hinted about in other episodes but haven't kind of explicitly said is where  sacral beings are misunderstood by the non sacral community about how we do business. 


and how we attract things to us.  If you're a sacral being, you're a manifesting generator or a generator and my position is that manifesting generators are just a subset of generator. My position is that manifesting generators are not half manifester and I talk about that in other content.  So my position is that they respond  and my position is that they're not selfless frustration and that they're selfless satisfaction, no different than us. 


So,  take that as a preview to what I'm about to say.  What we do as sacral beings  is we have a desire for something, a genuine desire, based on something that is  something we want to build,  something we want to create,  an experience we want to have in our life,  something that would be a good use of our energy.


And so that's why I apply human design to business.  Well what we have is a tried and true desire. What do I mean by tried and true? I mean it's actually something you want.  It's not that you're pretending to desire you want a six figure business because you don't actually care or that you're desiring to have some corporate level job because you don't actually care or whatever this is. 


It's something that you actually want  and ,  it's something that at some level you believe is possible for you now. This is a little bit complicated and this is starting to get into law of attraction stuff and mindset stuff  I'm gonna do a deep dive on the differences between law of attraction and human design and I'm going to talk about why Manifesting in the human design space does not mean manifesting like human design style


we desire something and then we magnetize opportunities to us to respond to.  We still get to respond  as to whether or not that's a fit for us or not.  We are not running around trying to chase everything. We are not running around trying to initiate stuff. We are not running around trying to do stuff.


And we are not energizer buddies that can go forever. This is especially true if you're a woman.  Because you're going to have cyclical flow energetically. And if you're later in life, I'm parametopausal. You have energy lulls as well. 


Guess what? Your body changes and your energy changes as you get older and that has nothing to do with human design.  So  we have sustained energy for the right things.  That's all that means. And we're going to build stuff a little bit different than a projector.  Because a lot of the people who build businesses as projectors, not all, a lot of them are advisors, guides, coaches, healers, spiritualists,  their  whole  purpose for being here and human design is, revolves around our purpose, not what our, we think our purpose is or we want our purpose to be.


A lot of it is they're guiding people.  They have a penetrating aura.   you know, the founder of human design said it felt like someone was shooting him in the back.   They can penetrate into somebody's,   beyond what that person sees for themselves. And so that person has to be invited in to share that information or things could get ugly.


We've all had that unsolicited advice person. Nobody wants that person.  So  they are kind of here to wait. to get invited into things. And so a lot of it is touted, well generators, they just go out and get stuff. They go out and do stuff. They go out and you know, send out 500 DMs to strangers and all this.


Nobody, no, nobody should be doing that. Okay, I know some people are into social selling.  I think that's going away. And you know, I've had some people, I've heard somebody say, Oh, well, you know what, if you're a generator, hire a manifester assistant and then they can initiate on your behalf.


I'm like,  okay,  all right. If that, if you, if you want to convince yourself that that's going to work for you, whatever, look, like I said, I'm not the Alec, the next Alex or Mosey, do whatever you want. But I'm just saying that we're not running out and  like pushing  What happens is that when we magnetize something into our world, that is a yes for us to build, a yes for us to create,  and that's really going to depend on the channels you've got coming off of your sacral, whole other topic.


We're not all going to do things the same way just because we're 70 percent of the population, obviously. If  you've got multiple channels coming off of your sacral, you're going to do things a little differently and a little faster than some other people.  I've got one channel and I know exactly what it's for and why I'm energized to do certain kinds of things and future conversation.


But  it's not that I am doing, doing, doing. It's not that I am pushing, pushing, pushing.  I am putting desires out there of the way I'd like to spend my sacral life force energy and that I'm allowing opportunities to come in and flow in as it makes sense, as I'm building the thing.  I'm not  sitting around waiting for life to come to me. 


That's not the sacral response  


and I think why this gets awry is Something I've said in other content, which is that we focus so much on type. And I've said this before, I've said this again. Type is something that came about 10 years into human design.  At the end of the day, if you've listened to any of my videos, or watched any of my videos on YouTube, my foundational series,  you'll see that the only thing that differentiates the different types are centers.


Centers are what matter. So,  most of the channels, most of the gates, are projected in the body graph.  Meaning that you could be a generator. Who has a lot of projected energy. And if you're someone who is one of those people who also identifies as a coach, healer, guide, you probably have that. You are no more  going to run out and give advice to other people than a projector. 


I mentioned in another piece of content, I've got gate 57, most intuitive gate in the body graph, psychic gate.  I can see people's path when they come to me and they ask me for guidance,  but I don't offer that up.  I'm not pushing that out in  things. It's not even a front facing part of my brand. You probably wouldn't even know that if you read any of my stuff.


It's just part of what my clients get when they work with me one on one and I can gauge,  who is ready for that kind of information.  So  it's an invited energy.  But when I'm building something, when I'm creating something. I'm responding to my sacral energy of what I do and don't have energy for and I'm going with that.


I have not been on Instagram since August of 2022 because I've been absolute sacral no to that.  An absolute sacral no to that.   Moving forward, I may outsource it. That is likely. Use it selectively to promote the podcast. I can't see the future. I don't know where this brand is going   because things are still shifting,  but I'm not just trying to make things happen  and promote myself  and  any more than anybody else would in business. I think that is a misnomer. We're not just doing, doing, doing.   In a 24 hour period, Maybe a more extended ability to continue to do something for multiple hours at a time.


But that's really going to depend on your design. There are sacral beings that got four energy centers,  and then there are sacral beings that have one energy center.  You see the difference in those two people, one's going to have a lot more energy. So  grain of salt with this. But if you are a sacral business owner and you're new to human design,  what you need to take from this is that you respond. 


You're actually drawing the world to you. That's what a magnetic aura is.  And you can leverage it with Law of Attraction. Everybody can use their mind to create their reality.  I refuse to say that there's one type that's better at it than another type that is starting to get into, in my opinion, really a gray area.


But, we can magnetize opportunities to us  That are going to be the things that are the right use of our sacral energy. We're not chasing anything. So this whole notion of projectors lay back and the opportunities come to them and we have to go out and get them is false and that is something that I wanted to get clear early on in the podcast so that you kind of know where I'm coming from on that.


 Maybe a future episode  I'll give you some examples from my own business and life so you can see this played out in less theory. I find sacral response really nuanced because  it's separate than intuition  but it involves intuition. It's separate than quote manifesting, but it involves manifesting.


I find that I use sacral response with things really related to the things that I'm here to do. I look at human design as a purpose driven system.  And so the businesses we're here to build, the projects we're here to have, the jobs we're here to hold down. Whatever that is, that's what, or the children we're here to have, relationships we're here to have, anything that involves that sacral, that makes us unique,  that's what makes us different from a manifestor, a reflector, a projector.


It's that specific center.    That's what we are using to magnetize opportunities to us that allow us to decide at that time is That the best use of my energy  because again the sacral is a sentient being it doesn't see the future It only knows in the now you could attract an opportunity to you. 


That was something you were really excited about You At one point and then at the time it lands in your lap, it's a no, either because you don't have the energy for it or because the timing is off or for something you don't need to know about. Maybe you were really excited about a summit and you got a sacral yes to respond to the summit. 


And by the time the information comes in, you're, you have a pit in your stomach and you're like, that's a no. You listen to that no, because  if you push it,  it could be that the summit's a drain on your energy. You don't actually get the email signups you want. It's put on like a hot mess. The whole thing is disorganized and it's going to be a very frustrating experience. 


And so that sacral no is really trying to protect you from that frustrating experience from a miss. Use of your energy,  but you actually magnetizing that opportunity to you is based in a desire for something you generally want. It's not because you're running around being like, I am going to apply to 50, 000 summits. 


Now, this is different than traditional cause and effect marketing.  If you want to be a guest on X number of podcasts next year, well, then you're going to apply to Y number of podcasts. And the math percentage is you're going to get accepted to,  you quote succeeded, you pushed and you got what you wanted, but  half of those podcasts Guest spots may go absolutely nowhere and be kind of a waste of your time.


So it's not just about the numbers It's really about how are you feeling when you're doing it? And what do you genuinely want to call into your life? And that is how  you are  taking action on things and you are working towards your creative vision or your business But you're not doing, doing, doing all the time.


And if you're doing, doing, doing all the time, then You are not strategic in how you're using your energy. I don't care who you are. That's just mismanagement. So, I hope this episode was helpful, made you think a little bit differently about some messages that are being put out there. And if you have any examples of this or thoughts on this, love to hear it. 


Text me feature in the show notes to leave any comments or questions. I will do Q& A episodes as I have more Q& A.  And  one last plug before I do the drawing closeout,  the Awaken Your Primal Energy Masterclass below 1125,  the drawing window closes. Get your name in before that if you want to be part of it.


See you on the next one.


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