![[S1E2] The Patience Paradox: Why Generators & MG Entrepreneurs Win by Slowing Down Artwork](https://www.buzzsprout.com/rails/active_storage/representations/redirect/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaHBCRzdVWFFnPSIsImV4cCI6bnVsbCwicHVyIjoiYmxvYl9pZCJ9fQ==--f0554e84d59b0e59ea3567ded69741c6d6454410/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaDdDVG9MWm05eWJXRjBPZ2hxY0djNkUzSmxjMmw2WlY5MGIxOW1hV3hzV3docEFsZ0NhUUpZQW5zR09nbGpjbTl3T2d0alpXNTBjbVU2Q25OaGRtVnlld1k2REhGMVlXeHBkSGxwUVRvUVkyOXNiM1Z5YzNCaFkyVkpJZ2x6Y21kaUJqb0dSVlE9IiwiZXhwIjpudWxsLCJwdXIiOiJ2YXJpYXRpb24ifX0=--1924d851274c06c8fa0acdfeffb43489fc4a7fcc/Aligned%20Alchemis_Final.png)
REWIRING: Raw Talk about Business and Life
Tired of one size fits all business advice? Frustrated with surface level self-help that doesn't actually help? You are not alone. Welcome to REWIRING, where entrepreneurship meets deep personal transformation meets life evolution. 🔆We talk Human Design, neuroscience, energetics and subconscious reprogramming as we explore patterns of fear, self-sabotage, and other factors that keep us stuck. 🔆I'm Sunita — Ivy League engineer, MBA, MSc, 14-year entrepreneur, business consultant and midlife mystic. 🔆Let's explore what's possible when we align with our true nature and rewire the way we move through the world.
REWIRING: Raw Talk about Business and Life
[S1E2] The Patience Paradox: Why Generators & MG Entrepreneurs Win by Slowing Down
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Are you a sacral entrepreneur feeling the heat to move faster? Discover why slowing down might be your secret weapon for explosive success.
Human Design and "divine timing" is a really about patience. Patience for waiting for internal clarity, patience for discernment about external advice and patience for the universe to catch up to what you know is possible.
Key Takeaways:
- The unique strengths and challenges of the one-line in Human Design
- Why a strong foundation is your secret weapon for long-term entrepreneurial success
- A real-world example of how patience, knowledge of one's design and self-trust attracted premium clients effortlessly
- Two eye-opening questions to identify where you're compromising your authentic path
- Why generic "just start" advice often backfires for generators and manifesting generators
- How to distinguish between productive preparation and fear-based procrastination
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YouTube Human Design Foundations Playlist
You can find me @alignedalchemist everywhere.
[00:00:00] Today's podcast, we're talking about the power of the one line, the power of foundations, and unique challenges and benefits that it brings. We're going to talk about some personal stories, and about building a business foundation, get some practical exercises to assess your readiness for big decisions, and learn why sometimes taking your time is the fastest path to success.
Whether or not you're a one line, this episode really will help you navigate that pressure to rush and give you permission to build something that is truly aligned to who you are and where you are in your journey.
The episode really is about [00:01:00] learning how to honor your unique foundation and why it can be the game changer in your business and life. The profile lines are 1, and the one line is the bottom of the hexagram because it's the foundation. Without a foundation, what do you have? Think of it as like a tree.
And Before I even get into the episode, I want to let you guys know this episode was inspired by one of you guys, Julie. Julie, who took advantage of the text option in the show notes. I encourage all of you guys to do that. Leave me, , you know, send me questions, give me feedback, and she left me a great piece of feedback.
She said, Hi Sunita, I'm really enjoying your show. I like how you get down to business. No fluff, just good insight and info. It's working for my one line. Thank you so much. Thank you, Julie from California, by the way, a place I lived for almost a decade and I miss it greatly, particularly the weather and I really appreciate that, you know, I'm newer on my podcast journey.
I am figuring this out as I [00:02:00] go. I make that very apparent with you guys. So letting me know that I'm on the right track. You're enjoying what I do helps. And so I was going to take this opportunity to encourage you guys to ask questions, leave feedback. I'll do Q& A episodes either, either on this or in some other format.
And those are completely anonymous. I only get what you share with me. And if you're going to leave something positive, I would love it if you could leave a review. I'm going to give you instructions on how to do that in the show notes. That's really what helps this podcast grow, but I get all the messages that you leave me.
I can't reply to any of them because I don't have your personal information. And Julie mentioned that she's a one line and that inspired me to go back to the beginning in this episode. As I edited some of the episodes and re-recorded some when the podcast switched, I had talked about my thoughts on human design certifications, why I was not [00:03:00] keen on them, and the truth behind them.
And the bottom line is, I've talked about that in other episodes and I feel that certifications are brainwashing. They are playing to a large percentage of the population that never thinks they're going to be good enough and never thinks they're going to know enough. This is particularly problematic for one lines.
If you do not have a one line in your profile, it's quite common. And if you have a one line in the foundation of your profile, which I think it's only a couple of, I think the five might be the only one. There's a four one very, very rare. , I think it's like 3 percent of the population.
That's a bigger whatever, but they're rare. The five one, we are the heretic, right? So I, before I stick my neck out there to get burned at the stake, I better fucking know what I'm talking about, right? And you'll see that a lot in the hesitation in my content that I share now that I'm, you know, putting myself out there in a bigger way.
Your profiles, your purpose of how you, your purpose on earth, how you live it out, your, the role that you [00:04:00] play, and it's a huge part of business positioning and how you show up in the world. And so it's very, common for a one line to never think that they know enough to feel like they need to have a foundation.
And the coaching industry is largely female. And, you know, as you know, or you may not know the statistic that women will apply to a job only if they have 100 percent of the qualifications, men will apply if they have like 80 percent of the qualifications. And that is an old study, I wonder if it's even shifted even more skewed in the new era we live in.
That translates into entrepreneurship, right? It holds us back. This isn't about certifications are not certifications for you personally. I have an opinion on them, but there's a huge difference between having a certification and something that I don't know, it really is a certified thing. Astrology certifications as someone who studied, , with mentors for seven years and human design certifications are full of shit, period.
They are a ability for a coach [00:05:00] to make a lot of money. They're part of the business model. It is part of the spiritual to business coach to business coach that sells to other coaches pipeline. It's tried and true and there it is. For those particular systems there's no such thing as a fucking human astrology certification and for human design if you feel the need to get certified or want to work with someone who's certified the IDHS which is the official school of That the founder of human design founded, their analyst program.
That's a pretty rigorous program. I don't believe that you have to work with those people. I know those people would say differently, obviously. And whatever floats your boat, whatever makes you feel more comfortable. But, you know, again, think of the Chinese hexagram lines as the house, right? So the foundation for the house is really important for building a, a skill set. a career for building anything with confidence. We are the researchers. We are the investigators. We are also the people who [00:06:00] never open our mouth until we feel like we have external validation that we know what we're talking about. And with women and personal development and spirituality and the online world, what a fucking disaster that can be.
You don't have to be a one line to resonate with this. You know, a lot of people can have imposter syndrome without having that one line, but. , I talk about self doubt in the description, there's, there's fear that holds us back. There's so many other variables to this beyond human design, but a lot of people have a one line.
I have a one line. And so I can say with confidence, this is a big part of been my problem and my path. I have an episode called Hello, It's Me Again. It's a reintroduction of the podcast I go to a deep dive on my certifications my degrees my background and my god You'd have to take a nap or sit down to listen And there's other things I want to get certified in but there are things that I generally want to get certified in because it's a Thing that you need certification in to to do it It's actually one of those things and it's part of my [00:07:00] brand anybody who has a one line your authority Positioning is gonna be a big part of your brand It's something people can feel and you don't need a certification to have that, but whatever is going to give you that confidence to give you that energetic vibration to send that message out there is going to work in your favor.
Whatever you need to feel grounded and centered, that's a big part of what this podcast is about. The brand Aligned Alchemist is about being unshakable in the way that you think about your business decisions and your personal decisions and the choices you make because it's not that you're going to do everything right.
It's that I want you to be able to look back. And be like, you know what, I did that because it was the right decision at the time and I trust myself. And you build that trust over time, that next time you trust yourself to make more decisions that are going to make you money or whatever your goal is.
And you're more resilient when things don't go as planned because you trust yourself. You're going to figure it out. You're resourceful. [00:08:00] We need that foundation. One lines need that foundation more, but what does your customer or prospect need to trust you? Is it a degree? Is it a testimonial? Is it a website?
Is it the way that you communicate? Business energetics has a lot to do with the confidence you show up with in addition to the external. People feel my authority when I speak and that is partly through my design and also because I've been there done that. Listen to that episode if you don't think that's the case, right?
And every business is different.
Every one line out there is different. Every person out there is different. Every target avatar is different. But what does your client need? Because there's going to be a lot of experts out there that say, no, your, your, your, your profile pictures, they got to look like this. Your website's got to look like that.
You need more testimonials. Nobody cares about testimonials. What they actually, you on and on and on. It's a, it's a mess. What does that even mean? Also, what [00:09:00] frustrates me as a very slow generator, Taurus, moon, one line, about as slow as it gets, is this whole notion of, messy action. Imperfect, perfect.
Just get started. And you've seen that with this podcast. I got started, then I change it again, then I change it again, then I change it again. Not typical for other stuff I do. I've explained what's going on with me personally, but at the end of the day, those are taglines and isms. They are self development, rah, rah, , kind of like the generic bullshit I mentioned in my description that hopefully You're trying to move away , has reading inspirational quotes truly helped you make changes in your life and make progress in your business?
, they're, they're great social media quotes and they're great Instagram graphics and they get likes. But what does that actually mean? I'll give you a quick story. When I started my first online business, I'd already been an entrepreneur for a couple of years. At the time of this recording, I'm saying 13 years.
, it's been a long time. And I was a marketing contractor and a consultant, definitely self employed. I had my [00:10:00] own S Corp for the first couple years. My first real online business was 2013 ish. You know, the inklings were there, but I started a functional health coach is what you'd call it now, functional nutrition health coach, it has truly been the fact that I've had a number of businesses and careers over the course of my life that has made me feel that, wow, this human design shit is real before I could feel it in my body because I could see my profile playing out through all of the businesses, through all of the things we do.
Remember that profile is your role in the world. It doesn't change. The business might change. The audience might change. Other factors in your chart may change, but your profile does not change. It is inherent to you. So I was a lot online health coach for women with PCOS.
It's an endocrine hormonal imbalance that I have it's very common in Indian American women and it's very Known in the communities that know about it it is hugely popular now But in 2010 20 whatever when I was trying to go through this, is it 2010? I'm sorry. Go [00:11:00] back a decade whatever, 2003, 2004, nobody knew about it and nobody was talking about it.
, so I decided to do a business in it and there were much fewer ways for customers to get to know you or prospects to get to know you. Very little social media to no social media. YouTube wasn't a big thing. Podcasts weren't a big thing. You did local events as a coach to get clients.
, think about all the ways right now that you can feel a person's vibe. The majority of people I've hired, I literally have listened to one podcast episode from them. And when I , some of the mistakes I made with hiring people, it's actually not when I did that.
It's when I listened to other people's recommendations, other people's testimonials, and I got influence. But, you know, you don't need to have a website now to, to get hired. I will have a website for this, SEO, the podcast, more real estate online, Google juice, etc.
I'm obviously going to feel good as having a home for my business.
So the point is, is a lot of people, even [00:12:00] back then were saying, you don't need a fancy website, even in that, even in that timeframe, they're like, you don't need a fancy website.
Now, a lot of people are saying you don't need a website for other reasons. And a lot of people who say that are projectors, a lot of coaches are projectors, they represent 20 percent of the population. You would think they represent the whole world. If you looked on Instagram and the human design community and they build differently, there's no pro, there's no con they do things differently.
They're amazing. I'll have them on the show. This is not a. I'm not trying to say anything negative. I hope you feel that. It's, we just do business differently. Sacral beings build, and we build on a foundation, and we go slow, and we build over time. And I just actually don't think that a lot of business advice out there is geared towards generators.
Non sacral beings are going to disagree with me. That's a whole other podcast, but I believe that we are built for the working world, the career world, the you do this for X number of hours a day and you do this one thing world, Manny Jen's a little different, but [00:13:00] a lot of entrepreneurship is pivoting quickly and figuring things out on the fly and trying what works and this and that and we build through mastery.
The generator, but worker bee thing has been manipulated by the manufacturing industry that then set up the corporate workday. a lot of people think we just go, go, go. We're energizer buddies. I'm not like that. I've never been like that. That's why I became an entrepreneur.
I became an entrepreneur because I couldn't handle the schedule and the nonsense of the traditional world. Going back to the story. At that time, you needed a website. And it was really the only way people were going to find out about you besides local events, which wasn't my jam.
it was my first online business. I was coming from the branding world and I worked with the biggest brands out there, 20, 30 big brands in my career between being a independent consultant, being a brand manager, working at those companies, or being ad agency person.
So I was not going to be able to throw something up online. I can't stand ugly shit. It's just, it's, it's, [00:14:00] branding is built into my DNA. It doesn't serve me as an entrepreneur because I could move a lot faster if I wasn't like that.
But you know, I am who I am. And you know, old school bro marketing ruled the day at that time. A lot of click funnels, a lot of bro marketers, a lot of stuff looked like garbage. It was all about that, push towards direct marketing. Get the click, get the click. Ads were coming up and it was a lot of .
Psychology applied to direct marketing to get that click. We're moving away from that bro marketing shit now, but it's taken almost a decade. So having a pretty brand online, it wasn't about that. And so there's also, ironically, A lot of brainwashing that you don't need a website because you just go out there, you're a local business, you go get some clients and you figure it out and, and then you do that and blah, blah, blah, and that didn't work for me.
So I knew nothing about human design. I don't think anybody did back then. This is over 10 years ago, and I was like, I'm going to do this my way. So I spent 3, 000 on a website. It was a WordPress website. It wasn't cheap. It wasn't expensive. But, , [00:15:00] It was through WordPress. It looked good. , and I'm a perfectionist if it's not obvious.
So I didn't think it looked good, but I did get a lot of positive feedback from people in my branding world, my MBA world. I went to a branding school, so that was important to me. And they're like, wow, this is a sick brand. It looks great. Here's the point. The point is it was a very short lived business because I learned early on about what I didn't didn't like to do.
I've now learned it's human design circuitry and how I'm wired. But I was able to be successful right away because I used Facebook ads. At that time, Facebook ads were fairly new. The condition is PCOS, very targeted audience. I did market research. I had very specific keywords and messaging that would land it.
And so I literally got people to click and come to webinars and buy fairly fast. I was able to get people to profitably work with me fairly , quickly. And the first two people that clicked on my ad actually decided to work with me. Both of them were what you call premium clients, I guess, relative, 500 a month for three [00:16:00] months, total of three grand paid for the website.
And both of them were business owners. And both of them told me that the reason they picked me is because they were impressed by my website. So I was validated that I knew what I was doing. I was selling to women. And that's a whole other thing, but guys aren't always selling to women. That's another topic.
Selling to women is different. And so that, that gave them that trust in me and they liked the pretty website. They could trust me with their body because I was giving them supplement protocols and all that. So the one line as a foundation is important. Going slow is important.
Going as slow as you want to go is important. If you don't want to go slow, don't have to. People are going to argue that I got way too slow and I don't give a fuck because I'm building this brand as a tree. A tree is not a tree without roots. However long that takes me, I'm here for the long haul.
I'm a one line and I'm a peer generator. And you know you are procrastinating and doing over analysis and researching and you're [00:17:00] afraid to put yourself out there because of a block you have. You're afraid to sell. You're afraid to be seen. You're afraid to be visible. You're afraid someone's going to say something.
And that does require a bit of self awareness. A lot of it's going to be under the hood. You know, I do believe in the subconscious as well. But. I also think that, you know yourself well, you know when you're sharpening the axe and when you're getting clear on which is which, right? Are you redoing the description 25 times a day and never actually putting it out there?
Or are you redoing it 25 times a day and then on day five you're like, yeah, I'm good and you move on. Well, then you were getting it right and that's what you needed. I'm not saying you're going to get everything right. , this is just something to think about. This is a dialogue. And, and two quick questions I want to give you is number one, where are you holding yourself back because you don't think you know enough?
This is true whether or not you're one line. And number two, where are you allowing people to rush you? Just think about that in life and in business and anything. Where are you holding yourself back because you don't think you [00:18:00] know enough? And where are you allowing people to rush you? As we get further down in the podcast season.
And we start to talk more about deconditioning and centers and where we're influenced. I think it's gonna be interesting for you to have answered these questions and really think about and understand where are you taking in conditioning, otherwise known as influence, into your life that determine or you allow it to determine the pace at which you build your business, run your business, do your thing and the decisions you make.
So, you know, this podcast has so many twists and turns it was about what is the podcast I want what is the foundation I want to build and Where what is it? What is the foundation I went out for my brand and what is my sacred telling me that I have energy for and want to?
do for the long term
I've been taking you on the ground floor of building this, the foundation to take you behind the scenes to make, show you what it's [00:19:00] really I find that a lot of business, online business is bullshit.
And so let's, in the age of Aquarius, let's just level the playing field and have real conversations about where we are challenged and where we struggle and help each other out. And I trust if you're listening to this podcast, you get it. , I highly encourage you when you have some time, grab a piece of paper, pieces of paper work better for the subconscious mind.
I know people listen to podcasts when they're doing other stuff, but try to take a minute when you pause, get in a journal, get a piece of paper out and really think about those two questions that I asked you, where do you feel like you're being rushed? unnecessarily, and if it's not something that needs to be rushed, and where do you feel like you can't share because you don't know enough.
You might be surprised at the answers that come out. It might be a lot of not self and conditioning coming out that's actually not you.
I want you to be confident in the decisions that you make, that they're your own, they're the right one at the time, [00:20:00] and that they're in line with where you're going. We get off the path. We rush, we make mistakes, we miss the synchronicities and the divine communication along the way. We miss the signposts along the way, whether or not for you it's coming from the universe, whether or not for you it's coming from your body.
At the end of the day, sacral beings build. Manifesting generators are express builders and they do it differently, but we build. And when we get taken off the path, we get taken off the path. And we got to course correct and we got to come back and it's challenging and we lose money and we lose time and it's frustrating and it's annoying.
The more that we can avoid that, the better we're going to be. Build that foundation. Take your time. Do both. , I highly encourage you to do those exercises and if you come up with any insights or ahas, share them with me, share them with us, text them to me, I'll share them on the show. You don't have to share your name.
Anything, let's make this an interactive discussion. Let's pull back the curtain. At the end of the day, we're probably all very much the same person with slightly [00:21:00] different experiences. That's why a lot of podcasts are for entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, because it's a different personal development journey that we're on.
And just at the end of the day, remember that you're an expert on your own journey. Trust yourself, honor your pace, and keep building that foundation one aligned step at a time. Thank you so much for listening to the podcast. Much