The Aligned Alchemist: Rebuilding the Path. Rewriting the Rules.

[S1E10] The Body vs. The Mind: Bridging Human Design and Law of Attraction

• The Aligned Alchemist • Season 1 • Episode 10

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1) Explores the fundamental differences between Human Design  and Law of Attraction -  breaking down why these systems are often seen as conflicting

2) Discusses how these approaches can complement each other when used with discernment

3) Debunks common misconceptions about manifestation in Human Design

You can find me @alignedalchemist everywhere.

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Hey everyone today on the podcast, we're diving deep into a topic that often creates tension in the human design community. It's this notion of manifestation law of attraction and mixing that with pure play human design. You've often heard that these practices don't work together. And there is a fundamental reasons for this conflict human design sees the body as the driver and the mind as the passenger. While law of attraction focuses exclusively on the mind to create reality. But after years of studying these systems and working with both of them, I find that they really compliment one another. 

When used with discernment. So I'm going to break down why these systems are in conflict in specifics, share my perspective and how they can work together. And walk you through my personal experience, integrating both approaches. So that's what we're gonna talk about today. . Stay tuned. 

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

And so before we dive into how these systems can work together, it's important to understand why human design resonates with so many people in the first place. At its core human design gives us a permission slip to be our cells. If there are parts of us that don't feel like they fit into the traditional mold and explains why. And it overall allows people to understand them selves better. 

And this is going to resonate with you. 

The more different you are, if you're a manifestor or a projector or a reflector, if you have a lot of. , you know, right facing arrows, if you even a manifesting generator, especially if you're someone who has multiple projects on the go or multiple businesses. Anyone who doesn't fit into the traditional mold of society right now. I'm a pure generator. 

I'm the most. Quote normal. , But. Your specific situation is really going to dictate how much human design is like this flashlight that goes off about why nothing has fit you and why nothing has worked for you. I'll do a whole other episode on that. Y Y human design resonated with me where it specifically resonated with me. And how I found that an answer to certain questions that personal development did not, which is what made it stick for me. But as a general rule, I find that people get so enamored with human design, especially the non sacral types. That it becomes an end, all be all for how to operate in life. It becomes like this is the thing, raw, sad, blah, blah, blah. 

I don't even call him raw. As you know, I always say founder of human design. But I think this has to do with the other things I've learned. And I think this has to do with. 

When I discovered human design, I discovered human design at 40, 42 years old, right around my Uranus opposition. 

I'm in the second half of my life. I'm in a very different phase than 90% of the people teaching human design or people who discovered human design. A lot of the people discovered in their twenties. And so I've already studied formally every other spiritual teacher out there and worked with these systems for years, Joe Dispenza, Esther Hicks, Wayne Dyer, you name the modality. 

I've taken a workshop from that person or studied from that person, intuition teachers, et cetera. And so I incorporate a lot of different tools in my toolbox. That's what I do. I'm a five. We universalize based on a whole foundation of things. It's not just one tool. The reason I share that is because I recently became really fascinated and re obsessed with and reintegrated the notion of conscious reality creation. What somebody else would call law of attraction.

This episode is really to talk about why people say. That they are disparate systems. And I just want to break that down for you really, really quickly, a high level. Is that if you look at a human designed body graph and you know anything about human design, you know that there's an unconscious side and a conscious side, the unconscious side is red and the conscious side is black. The unconscious side is the chart that is cast 88 days before you're born. 

.So. The thought is, is that the red is the body side. 

And that the black is the personality side. 

And that the red. Is what actually drives. The machine. 

And so this notion, if you've ever heard this notion in the community of passenger consciousness, that's what it is. It's at the body as the driver and the mind is the passenger. 

Now whether or not you agree with that or not, that's not really the point of this. That is the fundamental notion of human design. 

There's a whole more to that. 

But that is the fundamental notion of human design. And the thought is, is that around midlife? Or when it's time you become conscious of everything. So since I discovered human design in midlife and beyond. A lot of the things that were quote unconscious to me didn't seem that unconscious. You know, when I looked at my unconscious line, I looked at myself as a five one. 

The one is unconscious to me. The five is conscious. Both made a lot of sense. 

I was like, oh yeah, this shit's real, right. This is accurate. 

Oh, this makes sense. And it was a little bit of a. Oh, yeah. I'm not crazy. Those people who are telling me all this shit was from childhood and all this stuff. No, it wasn't. It wasn't from, I mean, that's a whole other conversation, but there's a lot of this stuff that I did in the personal development space. 

Neuro-linguistic programming being the biggest one that never resonated with me. I'm certified in it, but I do not do that. , and other things that just didn't work with me, it was a lot of childhood trauma stuff that just. Didn't fit the bill for me. And then when I discovered where I have undefined centers and where I'm influenced by society conditioning, other people's opinions, my own crazy brain, which has a one-line. 

I am crazy. , It made a lot of sense and it helped me navigate. And help me make better decisions. . Well, you got the red line side and you've got the black side. And so passenger consciousness. And so that's the biggest thing I really wanted to just break down in this episode because I'm going to be doing a whole series of content either this season or next season on conscious reality creation. 

This season is all about human design. And actually it's all about human design for sacral beings and it's all about. Like, or about me, the brand. The notion of Algoma, you'll find every single episode. Either has to do with death and rebirth shedding. Concepts of alchemy where the brand come from or my background, or it has to do with human design for sacred beings. Pretty much. And so this episode is staring to lean into the future content I want to do where I talk about human design and law of attraction and law of assumption, conscious reality creation and how they can work together. 

The thing that I fundamentally. I find problematic. About the human design approach. Is regardless of, if you believe in woo. You believe in. Universe you believe that we are vibrational beings that are calling things to us. 

Or you just believe that what you believe in your mind and your belief about yourself and what's possible will. Carry out. Will manifest in the sense that you will actually take that action. You'll make that phone call. You'll. Expect good things to happen, and then you'll see good things happening and it has nothing to do with the universe. 

It just has to do with brain chemistry, whichever camp you fall in. 

You cannot deny. That the way that you think. How about your life and the way that you think about yourself and the way that you think about what's possible, especially as a business owner, especially as a crater, especially as anybody trying to do anything, it's gonna affect your life. Your subconscious mind is the rudder of the ship. 

There is no , two ways about it. And if your subconscious mind. Is dictating a lot of your unconscious actions. 

Then. How could you not take charge of it and try to direct it? That's my approach to this. And the notion of conscious reality creation. 

When you think about the word conscious. , Conscious means. Yeah, like not unconscious. I get it. Ah, like you're intending it versus you're in default. 

To me conscious also means like you're doing it. 

With care. 

And so when I think about law of attraction and I think about manifestation and it could be just because of the way that I approach this stuff, it's been a very much. Kind of like setting intention, but then going with the flow, seeing what happens. You know, I'm not really trying to like force these like things into my life, through like mental construct. I'm of the belief that if it's not for you, it's not going to stick anyway. 

I don't think there's anything wrong with intending of how you want your day to go kind of intending of the things you want to have happen. If you're focused too much on cause and effect reality where you're like, if I visualize this thing every day, I'm going to get this house. So I visualize this thing every day, I'm going to get this job. 

If I visualize this thing, every I'm going to get this partner. Yeah, you're really trying to coerce your life into this box. That's probably, you have been. Mentally conditioned to think that that's what you need. To be happy. 

 When I think about. Manifesting. It's, it's it's that? I, I don't know. I just, like, I think about. Oh, I'd really love to have, you know, an uninterrupted morning. And so with my animals and I picked her this fireplace and I picked her this cup of chai and I'm reading my book because I'm a one-line I love to investigate. 

So my perfect life is like reading all the time. Right. And just being in my layer, nobody bothering me. That's my vision of my conscious morning. And so I can't see a life where that's not a positive thing. I can't see a life where I'm creating something. That's not for me. I'm channel of rhythm. 

And so that's my sacral channel. And so it's very important that I live my life in rhythm. So maybe I've been co-creating with my human design and my quote law of attraction my whole life without realizing it. And I think it's also because I am older. I come from. A time when people didn't even believe in this stuff. And then you had the Ester hex and Wayne dryer, Wayne Dyer, and all that stuff. 

Right. But this whole like manifestation, babe, girly manifestation bullshit on Instagram. You know, McLaren's in the background of YouTube videos, all this like focus on money, money, money, bubble, you know, baller, baller, baller. That school of thought of manifestation is fairly new. And I think that is what people who are into human design are seeing in their environment, given their age. 

And that's why they're pushing back against it. This is my kind of like elder view on it. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. As long as it's unconsciously. And at the end of the day, if you want it to be a purist, there's no room for it. I explained early on in this podcast that I'm not a purist and that I fully believe in it. And I'm actually returning to it. 

I S. I was really into all this stuff. I took training in it. I did all this stuff. And I used to manifest stuff constantly and ways I'll talk about in, in, in fun stories and some other content. But I. 

Became obsessed with astrology and human design about seven years ago. Formally. And so I was obsessed and as a one-line, I become obsessed as a pure generator. I R study one thing at a time. And I'm kind of done with the buffet of human design. Like I'm always learning, I'm always growing, but I really feel like I'm at a point where. I'm less interested in learning about it, and I want to try to sharing about it. 

And that's why I felt the need to start this podcast. And then I kind of took a step back and said, why am I doing a podcast? Is this, what is the right thing for me? Is this the right direction for me? My only sacral channel is the Gita sacral center. So when I find my sacral shutting off, it's when I something is off in my GPS or it could be a particular just break state I'm in. 

 So I'm not really sure, but I am sticking to my plan. I'm a peer generator. 

We finish what we start. Uh, having season one, be around certain topics in human design that I wanted to cover. And I'm going to stick to that. And this was one of them. . I just think this fundamental piece is very important before I even get into what law of assumption is before I even get into the subconscious mind before I even get into law of attraction. Before I even get into the definition of manifestation, which is a different. From the definition of manifestation in human design. Very confusing. The whole notion of manifesting generator and manifester. That's about bringing thoughts into action. That's not about attraction. Manifestation in the conscious reality creation is about using your mind. And we all have the same mind. 

We all can create through our mind if we want to. And a lot of the stuff. If you actually read the box, And you get off Instagram and you get off the bullshit on YouTube and you just read the actual texts. Of the classics. A lot of it is just about positive thinking. 

It's just about reframing. 

And focusing on what you can control instead of what you can control. It's a lot of. Psychology. Packaged in manifestation and law of attraction for the mass appeal audience, but it's not actually. A bunch of nonsense about. Creating this fake reality, that's not you. Or this. Life you don't want, or that's not for you, or I'm going to manifest this perfect husband. 

I'm going to manifest this perfect mansion. I'm going to manifest. And like I said, I believe. That if it's not for you. It's not for you. The relationship isn't gonna last, the house, isn't gonna last the job isn't gonna last. I don't believe that. You know, you have this job that you can't stand, you just be positive about it and go to it. 

Know you find a way out of it. And you allow your. Body. To direct you. To where you want to go. I can just speak for sacred beings since I'm focusing on that in this season. Because we are actually building something, we're creating something it's like, as long as you're listening to your sacral about the decisions. That are related to what you're doing in life for work. And procreation and relationship. I don't think there were any of the rest of it matters. I really don't because at the end of the day, if you are a sacred being, that is what you're here to do. 

I can speak for myself as I wrap this up, that when I talk about where human design and how I've used my human design, I found it's been very much directed to that sacral channel. It's been related to what I'm here to share collective logic to share channel. You can see the way I bring, break things down into patterns and frameworks. And all of that. 

And you know, my old podcast, cosmic alarm clock was very much that it was collective astrology based on patterns and math. And astrology. You know, astrology, historics is all about where things were and where things are going based on a framework. And. When do I have energy to share? And what way do I have energy to share? 

And how am I sharing? And who am I sharing with and what am I talking about? That's my sacral to G center channel. It's my only channel. That involves my sacral are there under a channels and gates and all that stuff that have to do with my personality and my brand and how I show up in the world and my gifts and my superpowers and my challenges. 

Absolutely. My variables on the top have a lot to do with how I move through the world. What motivates me? How I take it information, what environments my body's going to best perform in what dietary strategies are best going to work for me. Again, at this age, a lot of that was just by default. I wasn't a shock to me. 

I think for me, it's just like, okay. 

When I am going to use my sacred life force for something being very careful, I'm not being influenced as to how I use it. Even going down to this podcast, he has to, I even rethinking my podcast. And rethinking what I share on the podcast and rethinking where I made the decisions around the podcast and what. I used to make the decisions. 

So when we go off the path and human design, and I'm the first person to say that I'm not perfect at this. And I'm, , experimenting and learning. 

I'm a majority of three lines. So my content is going to have my trial and error experiments in there. There's no, there's no two ways about it. 

 I'm never going to know if a podcast is for me, unless I do it. I never going to know if a solo podcast is for me or a guest podcast for me, or YouTube channel or Tik TOK or Instagram or lives, or if you've been around for awhile, you know, I've talked about this, I've tried everything and that's what I do. And so, yeah, maybe human design gave me a little bit of that. 

Like I said, the profile was for me, my biggest permission slip. But going back to the mind, we're not supposed to make decisions with the mind. And I do make decisions with my mind. And I'm. Learning how to not do that. And it's a process. And I find that I'm only able to figure out the process in the rear view. 

That's probably that three line. It's probably that I've got to put my, my hand on the stove first. Not everyone's going to have to do that. And you get more discerning and you get more discerning and you get more discerning. I think human assigned is a. 

Language of discernment. Body discernment influence discernment. Energy discernment. And I think law of attraction is discernment as well. Why do you want this thing? What is it that is actually going to contribute to your life. Are you trying to prove something to somebody? Are you trying to feel good about yourself by having some fancy car or whatever? 

I mean, that's not how I use log tracking, so I think that's why I. Was. A little bit. Unwilling to let it go. And I don't like this idea, passenger consciousness. , first of all, human designed is something that is. 

For 20, 27 and beyond. And I'm living in 2024 and I'm half dead already. So I got to. Figure out my own life. Right. , but more than that, I love the idea of working with spirit guides. I love the idea of working with the spirit realm. I love the idea of working with intuition. I love the idea of working with divine guides and ancestors and signs and omens. 

And I've spoken about that. And that's doesn't really have a place as much in human design. It's all a body system. And so for me, that's just not interesting. I mean personal development should be making your life better, but it also should be fun. And I find conscious reality fun. I love what I say. I'm going to get a free cup of coffee and then I walk into a store and get a free cup of coffee. 

And I love to see how that happens or. Whatever, you know, whatever you're using conscious reality creation for. So. That's kind of my. 

Quick. Thought on this. And it's just a reminder that. Human design is all about. Body is the path. The driver. And the mind is the passenger. And that is why the mind is not meant to make decisions. And also the mind is going to get influenced by others. And that's why you shouldn't be using your mind to decide where you go, because it could take you in a direction. That's awful where you're supposed to go and your body is going to take you where you're supposed to go. 

Think of it as a self-driving car. 

I don't. I think there you're going to end up in the same place. If you're. If you're in discernment with yourself and you're in self-awareness and you're not relying on pop culture. Manifestation bullshit. I think you're gonna end up in the same place. I don't think you're going to end up in a place you're not supposed to be through law of attraction. 

I just don't think that it works that way. Our subconscious mind is, is powerful, and we have to direct it at some level. We have to be in charge of the rudder at some level. And absolutely we can be very, very conscious about where are we making decisions. By other people's influence and where are we using our minds to talk us into things which can happen a lot in business. 

, I've been guilty of that. More times than I can count. And I'm still learning. Hopefully that was useful for you and broke it down in a way that maybe you can understand, remember that the mind of the Anja. They are awareness centers. They don't actually, they're not motor centers. So that it actually do anything. And so the whole human design notion is that because they are not doing anything, they should not be in charge of anything. And I don't agree with that, but I think they can work together in the ways that I've laid out. 

 So just to recap, human design and traditional manifestation might feel at odds, but they don't have to be in my world. It all comes down to alignment. And even in law of attraction, if you're not in vibrational alignment, You're not going to attract what you desire. Human design on the other hand, focuses on body alignment, honoring your energy flow. 

And I think together they can be a very powerful combination and they don't need to be at odds. Whether you choose to stick with one system or the other or explore them all the key is to stay aligned with what feels right for you, as you think about what you want to create in 2025 and beyond. Notice where you might be forcing things into your manifestation practice or being too rigid with your beliefs. Are you relying on your mind to control outcomes or creating mental maps that don't reflect what you truly want? 

Are, are you allowing your energy to guide you moment to moment decision by decision, which is the most important thing. 

So hopefully that was useful. I am adding on a little piece to this episode already recorded. 

 I was going to put this in a part two, but in case I don't do a part two, I want to touch upon something very, very important. Hopefully, I've given you a background on law of attraction versus human design and all those things. Something that is going around in what I call pop HD. Pop culture HD kind of like blanket, uh, commercial human design. 

That is what's popular Instagram and is really a money-making machine, but it actually has nothing to do with what they call source material. Um, is this notion of combining manifestation and human design? This is complete bullshit, and this is not at all in line with the system. Now , if you listen to the episode, you don't need me to tell you that because you understand that they're fundamentally different systems. But the person who popularized this, and I'm not going to call this out because as a five one, we always want to call out bullshit. 

And I don't want to be that person, but I'm going to be that person a bit. She's very, very popular in the human design space. She's the person you see on all of the. Kind of mass appeal. , personal development podcasts. She has a famous app. Enough said. She has bastardized human design quite a bit. And created our own system that is not even related to the original system. , 

it's sometimes hard when you're able to discern when someone is completely full of it and you don't understand why other people can't, but at any rate, I do want to bring up something really critical is that. I believe it was her who came up with this notion that the arrows at the top of the chart. So the aerials are the variables. 

Very, very deep aspect of human design. That's complex. Probably the thing that I've seen talked about the, in the most inaccurate fashion in. Mainstream human design. The arrows on the right side. Are the personality side. So they have to do with your mind. And we have two sets of arrows and one of them is the cognition arrow. 

And one of them is a motivation arrow. I will do additional content on this in the future, but the cognition arrow is how you take in stuff. So like I have tastes cognition, arrow, so this is quite a simplified thing. Um, but this is just so you get it. Like, I might taste my environment, right. Somebody else might have. Smell cognition. 

They might smell their environment and there's a bunch of different aspects to this. Okay. But the bottom line is, is how you, you, you take in information into your brain. And. 

This person. Has come up with this idea that if your arrow is right facing. You're an indirect manifester. Meaning that you kind of think about the bigger picture. Vision of what you want and then you call it in. And if you're a left facing arrow, you're a specific manifestor. Meaning you, you. You know what they do, what they traditionally think with the vision boards and the blah, blah, blah. Now. First of all, regardless of human design, I've never been a vision board person. 

Right. So we all take in our environment in different ways. I knew that intuitively before human design and. Without even knowing why my, my, my I've taste cognition. I'll get a taste of what I want. And I will leave the rest up to the universe. And it usually works out. Great. I don't like to visualize to a tee. Like my ideal home or my ideal job, or my ideal, whatever, because. I just, it doesn't. 

I find that it's best. If I, I get a little bit overwhelmed and I get a little bit too detailed oriented and it starts to come a little bit control freaky for me. Tangent here, but the point is is that there is no such thing. Indirect manifesting direct manifesting. There is no place for traditional law of attraction in human design. 

They are two separate schools of thought trying to marry them for pop culture and for the mainstream masses. Is why you've heard that maybe. That's bullshit. It doesn't exist. The cognition arrow is how you take an information. So if you have a right facing cognition arrow, you're taking it in indirectly. 

If you have a left facing cognition, arrow, you take in things at a more strategic and direct fashion. Whole other enchilada because your variables work together. There are four of them. They work together with the rest of your body graph. Think of them as like a flashlight on your specific body graph, they color the whole thing. 

So you cannot use them in isolation. But I wanted to bring that up because. If I didn't, I would regret it and then I'd feel like I need to do another episode on this. And I don't really know where I'm going. I'm figuring a lot of stuff out for 20, 25 and beyond. 

So I would be remiss if I didn't mention that because. 

I want to be very, very clear that human design and law of attraction are completely separate systems. They are at odds with one another in the traditional school of thought. They can be used together in the way that I described. But if you fundamentally understand what law of attraction is, which is that you emit a vibrational signal based on your emotions and you manifest things in your reality, based off of that. And you could even say they already exist in another dimension. 

You're not actually manifesting. You're not actually creating them. You're just making them enter your reality. That perfect husband. You didn't create him. He already existed. You just happened to manifest that connection with him at a coffee shop. This is an example. Okay. , cause like you could say, oh, you mad, you created a business, you created a, this, you created that, but you can't create a person like that person was there already. Whereas human design is a very, very, very complex system of which I've touched upon the highest, highest level in this podcast. That. Is a. The way that your body moves through the world. 


I applied to business, but you could apply it outside of business. And you can see fundamentally how those are completely different. Now you can also see how they could work together when done consciously, as I've described in this episode. But. Not to belabor the point, wanted to make sure that that was present in this episode, in case I don't do a part two, I do want to do a episode where I talk about law of attraction versus law of assumption, but it may not be the season. 

So anyway, when it comes to human design and law of attraction, those are the things to know. Key thing to be aware of. Human design is a body system. Law of attraction is a mind based system. Law of attraction works in the notion that you're. Sending out vibrational signals to , attract things into your world. 

Whereas human design doesn't believe in that at all, because it believes that the mind is completely a passenger and it shouldn't be in charge of anything. And finally, I believe that if done consciously, they can work together. And then the last piece at the end, I just mentioned is how in pop HD, there's this notion where your , arrows determined. The the way that you manifest and that's horse manure. I hope you enjoyed this episode and I will see you on the next one. 

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