Awaken Your Inner Magic: For Sacral Entrepreneurs Ready to Overcome Self-Doubt and Manifest Their Desires
If you're a Generator or Manifesting Generator (Human Design) overwhelmed with one-size-fits-all business advice that doesn't fit — or frustrated with "vanilla self-help" that creates more self-sabotage than satisfaction — you're in the right place. 🔆Welcome to Awaken Your Inner Magic, the first and only podcast dedicated to sacral entrepreneurs. 🔆We talk business, manifestation, money, the subconscious mind and all things material meets magical. The vibe is BS free content at the intersection of body wisdom, energetics and mindset that cuts through the noise and shares practical info. It's focused on helping you (and your business) evolve into more energized versions of themselves as you navigate the journey of creating your way. Sound interesting? Join us! 🔆PS: I'm Sunita — Human Design expert, astrologist, MBA and serial entrepreneur (13 years) with 25+ years of business experience. A former optimization engineer turned biz alchemist and intuitive obsessed with all things energy.
Awaken Your Inner Magic: For Sacral Entrepreneurs Ready to Overcome Self-Doubt and Manifest Their Desires
[S1E7] Is Mixing Human Design with Business the Not-Self?
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👉🏽Life Force Lab Waitlist:
In this Transformational Tuesday episode discover:
- How to navigate the tension between Human Design principles and business strategies
- A fresh perspective on using your design to build a sustainable, aligned business
- Why some "not-self" actions might actually serve your bigger mission
You can find me at Success and Spirit on Threads
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Hey, everyone. Welcome back to the aligned Alchemist. Today's another transformational Tuesday. If you missed last week, transformational, Tuesdays are quick thoughts and tips to make you think shortened to the point on edited and off the cuff. Usually motivated or inspired. Through a recent interaction I've had with somebody's client conversation or just a story in life.
Today in line with the foundational aspect of this season, which I'm going to call season zero.
I don't know if I can't do that. And my focus with the season is just foundational stuff. Foundational stuff about me, how I approach human design. Things. I feel like anybody listening to this would need to really move forward as we get into more deeper content. It's something that's come up. Through some conversations on threads is this fundamental concept of the role of business in human design. Now human design is a self-development tool. It is used to decondition.
From influence. From the outside world. That takes you away from who you are here. Meant to be. Who are you designed to be from a body perspective? What is your unique blueprint? That you move through the world. You make decisions, you interact with others. You share all your stuff. All of the above.
And so for human design people who are a pure play. The whole notion of applying it to business is not self. Because business by definition. We'll have. Activities that are associated with strategy. You are taking certain actions. In order to achieve a result. You cannot bypass that. You can. Do it in line with your design? You can do it in line with your body wisdom. You can do it in a way that is through your own. Feeling that this is the right step for you versus conditioning from others, including society, a coach. Whoever in your life. Appear. But you cannot just wake up every day and figure it out. That is not going to be a sustainable business.
And that is not going to work in 2024. Because remember that. A lot of human design is really post 2027.
The question is, is business and human design. They're not self. My answer is yes.
And. You can still use. Your human design. To build a business or a career. In line with your gifts. In line with how your body decides and wants to move. In line with your energetic frequency.
And you can do it your way. Ms. You're going to have to make some concessions along the way that are. Not your human design.
And there is a rule to this. There is the notion that human design is a body system. Human design is a personal development tool and something known as BG five. BG five is also a profit making machine. For the institution that is Alan crack hours. Foundation organization, which is a for-profit business. They say you need to take that and apply it to business.
My MBA 20 years of experience says I don't need a certification to apply a tool to business. But you do need to ignore or modify. Many aspects of human design, pure play in order to leverage it and business.
Without going into. Too much examples because I have an entire episode, I'm going to be dedicating to the undefined throat. I have an undefined throat. Majority of the population has that defined. I'm rare. Means that I speak off the cuff means I can get on a stage without a script and talk to an audience.
I will just. Be able to on the fly. Energetically pick up on what they want to hear. And I do best in rough draft. I don't do well with scripts. I don't do well. Planning out too much of what I'm going to say. And. I can also.
Talk too much. Now whose definition of too much.
In launching this podcast, I have driven myself. Almost crazy with the amount of input I've taken from different podcast strategists.
And. I knew I was in not self while doing it, but I was also the five one who had to research and feel secure and all these things. And I wanted to do it right. This podcast means a lot to me and I wanted to do it right. And I want it to be successful. Because of a podcast is not successful. No, one's hearing my message. And so there is that push and pull of the five line, which I'm here to unit. Universalized to the masses.
That's what I'm here to do. A message. Heretical message. But the not self of the undefined throat is speaking to get attention.
I say all this to say that the. Human design system was introduced prior to the internet. And we need to remember that a lot of. The advice that is given is pre-internet.
You pretty much knew the people you knew. And you interacted with people in person. Remember that time. I mean, it's like what? We actually talk to humans. The undefined throat. Is the notion is that it is meant to be quiet until asked to speak. So if I was to walk into a room full of people, I might. Make myself known.
And energetically people are going to feel that she has something to say, and then they're going to ask me to speak. And if I time that message correctly, it's all about timing. Then people are there to hear what I have to say. I wonder if so much back and forth I had with releasing this podcast was about. The right timing. And we won't know if that's true or not, but it wouldn't surprise me. That is this the right time for the message. I have to be heard. We were on the precipice of major change. We are literally about to enter the age of Aquarius in about a month. And as I'm recording this, we're on the edge of a, you know, a new moon. A new solar eclipse, which is a very transformational day.
And so this transformational Tuesday is transformational. Maybe not as much from the transformational tip, I'm going to give you, but just the energy in which it's being recorded. And so the question and the statement I have, and the point I'm trying to make is.
I don't think that. There's anything wrong with using the not self. In business as a tool because.
The opposite of that is doing business like everyone else is telling you to do. And then you're building business. That's not even you at all. And it's not like if you don't build a business and you go work for somebody else will, then you can be more self that's. You're probably gonna be less self in that situation. You have less control over how your body moves. So.
Nobody needs anything.
We are all whole incomplete, how we are.
But in order to succeed in certain areas, In my business. I know where I'm weak in my chart. I know which. Channels need to be completed by other people in order for me to leverage my talent in the best way. . That is not self. That is saying that I don't have enough. With just me. To bring what I need to in the world. That is by design, not by human design.
That is by strategic design. I'm doing that intentionally knowing.
That I'm saying I need more than just me to bring what I want to bring into the world.
It is not saying I'm going to live out of alignment with myself. I'm going to do things out of alignment with my design, I'm going to. Sell in a way that doesn't feel like me. I'm going to attract a client that isn't me. I'm going to do things out of not self out of influence, et cetera.
Fine line. I thought it was important to bring this up because I hear a lot of this. Stirring in the social media space, feel it, hear it. A lot of what the undefined throat is as I. Pick up on vibrations of different things that people are talking about or want to talk about, but are afraid to talk about, or I just kind of say it. I often heard. Oh, you know, you said the thing everybody was thinking, and that's kind of what I want this episode to be. It's not a debate. Everyone's going to have their opinion. It's just to kind of. I get that out there early on in the podcast journey of yes, business is the not self. Selling something to somebody they don't absolutely need other than air. And water is the not self.
They don't need anything from you.
You might think that you're helping them. They may have a better life as a result of whatever you're selling them, product or service. But they don't need you. And you're going to speak to their not self in order to sell them. There are going to be things that you were going to do that are perhaps out of alignment. In order to reach them.
If I was too market this podcast in a bigger way and promote it on social media.
And. Try to get more visibility for the podcast, which I will be doing. That is not self undefined throat. That is saying. Oh, look, I've got something to say and everyone needs to hear it. I'm not in a room with five people. This is a different era. We live in, this is my platform.
I'm not walking up to people uninvited and just talking to them. And sharing what I think. You listening to this podcast. Have entered into my world. You have chosen to listen to this?
I hope that makes sense. Transformational, Tuesdays, like I said, are going to be a little bit off the cuff. Something that comes up to be discussed through a story. Through a quote through an exchange on social media, something that's very timely and present to keep it fresh. And a future topic is up for in the queue.
We'll also be talking about human design and manifestation. Hotly debated topic in the human design space, manifestation being through the mind. Human design being a body system. Are they. At odds or not. I have some thoughts on that and I'll share that. And I'd love. To hear your thoughts on what I just said. This is a great opportunity to use that.
Text me feature in the show notes. It's there in every episode. And it's free and it's anonymous. I just am curious. What do you guys think about this? As a business owner, as someone who's interested in human design, I'm sure you guys have opinions. I'd love to hear them use that feature in the show notes to share your opinion.
And I want to let you guys know that I am re-introducing my pilot cohort for find your frequency. Some of you guys are already on that list. I am dropping the interest link in the show notes, check it out. It is going to be an amazing, amazing high vibration group. And it's going to be an opportunity to work with me in a beta price.
And it is for everybody. So you don't need to have an established business to do this. This is about living your life in line with your design. It's about aligning your business to your design, and it is about manifesting your desires in a new way.
Number three, Relates to what I just talked about, but we'll get into that in a future episode, check it out. If it's for you. It's definitely something that is unique in the space. And I am looking forward to bringing it into manifestation. Thank you so much for listening to transformational Tuesdays. I will see you on the next one.