The Aligned Alchemist: Rebuilding the Path. Rewriting the Rules.

[S1E4] Why Human Design and Business Don't Actually Mix....But We are Going to Do it Anyway

Aligned Alchemist Season 1 Episode 4

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In this episode discover:

  • How to navigate the tension between Human Design principles and business strategies
  • A fresh perspective on using your design to build a sustainable, aligned business
  • Why some "not-self" actions might actually serve your bigger mission

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Hey, everyone. Today's podcast. We're going to talk about mixing human design in business. Is it good? Not so good is itself is not self. What does that look like? What does that mean? That's what we talk about today.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

So let's just get this out of the way. Is human design. Mixing it with business. Is that self not self? What does that look like? What does that mean? Pure play human designed folks are going to say that it doesn't work. And that human design is a personal development tool and business through the lens of human design is something very specific. , you know, human design in a nutshell. Going up to the 10,000 foot feet is. A system that is used to decondition us from influence. Either you're familiar with the body graph or you follow the instructions in the second episode and you know what a body graph looks like. That's all those centers and those centers, if they're filled in or not filled in, that's basically where we're conditioned or not conditioned. And are influenced, but the bottom line is it's a notion of shedding. Who you thought you needed to be or who society thought you needed to be? So that you can be who you truly are.. And. Basically.

Anything beyond that, if you use human design for us using your mind. 

And that's what we do in business, right? Business is by its definition. Has a layer of strategy. You can be as flowy. As possible, but you can't just wake up every day and figure it out. That's not going to work for the most part. 

,you know, if you were to read the bios of human design, informed business coaches or business strategists, they all sound the same. I mix, , Alchemy and strategy. I do strategy and business, whatever, because you have to bring in strategy and layer it over human design. Right. 

You can do it in line with your body wisdom. A big thing that I love about human design is the positioning aspects of it. And the superpowers in the chart. You can do it in a way that feels like you. And is the right steps for you and the right pace for you and the right business models for you versus conditioning. From a society from a coach. From a mastermind group, you're in, from a peer from wherever. 

 And you know, In 2027 when we completely are all right. Facing arrows and we're in the new paradigm. Maybe we can wake up and figure it out as we go and be all into our feminine flow. But until then, we're doing a little bit of strategy and the whole kind of basis of human design is that's not self. 

Like I said, you can still use it to work in a way that your body wants to. W move and want to work. And you can do it your way, but you're gonna have to make some concessions along the way. , You know, there's something known as BG five. BG five to their profit making machine. 

It's a certification. , from the foundation that is the founder of human design, Eller and Krakauer. It was founded before his passing. 

And it's for-profit business. And they say that in order to take human design and apply it to business, you have to do BG five. Human design is a personal development tool. BG five is a business tool and there's like a brick wall in between. . I have an MBA in 20 years of experience, I don't need some random certification. , of how to apply business. To any spiritual tool and vice versa, but you do need to modify it. 

You are fundamentally changing the system. And. Kind of being very selective and picking and choosing by applying it to business. You know, I'll be doing. Probably an entire episode at some point on the centers and definitely on the open centers, but I'm an undefined throat. Which means that, , I'm rare, the majority of the population. Hazardous divined throat. And that's probably pissed you off because as I've recorded these episodes, after I changed the podcast, I haven't been able to stick to a script. 

I can't stick to scripts. I am. Very much someone who on the shadow side can over-communicate, take over a room in person. But on the positive side or the gifted side, I can get up on stage without a script. I can just talk off the cuff. A lot of operators are undefined throat on politicians, and if you can believe it, a lot of them who. , might do good on stage, but don't do as well in interviews or whatever. It's partly because they are feeding off of the energy of the crowd when they communicate. 

So I don't do well on a script. I do better off the cuff. I'm a little bit of a go with the flow and all of that. And I energetically pick up on what people want to hear. 

 A pure play human design person would say, I shouldn't have a podcast. I should just guest on other people's podcasts because. I need other people to bring out what I'm here to share. 

And in launching this podcast, I've driven myself crazy. With the amount of input I've taken from podcast strategists and ways to do things. And then I finally blew up the whole thing and started over. But, you know, I knew I was not self with doing it and I did it because I'm a five one I investigate. I wanted this to be successful. You know, I still have a lot of old paradigm thinking in me. 

I am on my deconditioning journey, but I'm not there yet. And. This podcast means a lot to me. I don't want to just do something to do it, and I want it to be successful, whatever that means. And to me right now, that means that someone's hearing the message. You know, I'm a five one I'm here to universalize to the masses, whatever that means. There's a lot of famous musicians or five, one, you know, lady Gaga, Madonna Sinead O'Connor , Bernice Spears. Taylor swift. 

Right. Hitler was a five one I think stolen was a five one. I mean, that's not always positive, but it's ability to communicate to a bigger audience. That's what drives the five one a lot. , and human design was. Introduced prior to the internet. This is a very important. Thing. 

The advice that is given. Was given pre-internet. So, this is when you communicated with people. You knew. This is when someone like me would walk into a room with actual humans. And interact with people in person. So in theory, As an undefined throat, I would, you know, Walk into a room. Be quiet. And. Be asked to speak. And energetically made myself known and then, you know, people are going to feel like I have something to say, they're going to ask me to speak. 

And if I time it correctly, the undefined throat is a lot about timing. Then, , it's going to come out. Great. Because it's going to be the right message at the right time, and people are going to be wanting to hear it. Undefined throat is rare. So again, this podcast episode, isn't about the undefined throat, but the definition of marketing and selling myself. On a podcast you could call that not self. 

I don't agree with that because this isn't a room you've been. You're signed up to listen to me. I'm not just walking up to you on the street. , But, you know, It's not self because I'm eventually going to be promoting this on YouTube. I'll be putting clips on social media at some level, I'll be promoting the podcast. And what is the purpose of that? 

The purpose of that is to be like, Hey, I have a message and I want you to hear it. 

I do it my way. I go with the flow. You've seen that. And so the opposite way of doing that would be to be doing business. Like everybody else tells me to do it. And then I'm building a business that is completely not self. , and you know, it's unlikely if you go to work in corporate America or a job full time or whatever, you know, the more you're in that paradigm, the less control you have over your body moves. So at the end of the day, look. Nobody needs anything. We are all whole and complete as we are. And in order to succeed in certain areas. In my business. 

I know where I'm weak. I know which channels need to be completed by other people in order for me to best leverage my gifts. That's not self, because self would say you have everything you need. You are whole and complete as you are. And I don't intentionally do this, but I often find that I connect with like-minded people. 

You know, I often say that, you know, human design we're like magnet. It's like Lego. It's like avatar. , and I don't think I'm living out of alignment with myself. I try as much as I can to do things in line with my design and sell in line with my design. Not out of influence, not out of what an expert tells me to say, not out of what a coach tells me to say. 

You know, I've stories upon stories about stories of the hundreds of thousands of dollars I've spent. Doing it, the other ways, business models that didn't suit me on and on and on. . Whatever I'm creating what this is. I'm going to do it my way. I have a defined heart as well, also rare. And from a probability perspective to find heart, undefined throat, both rare, add them together, rare person. 

We're all rare and unique and special. I kind of not only pick up on what people want to say, I usually have the confidence to just say it. So I often. , say what other people are thinking and afraid to say. And that's useful. , as long as I'm doing it from a place of, this is something people want to hear and not out of ego. 

So. At the end of the day, like I said, nobody needs what you're selling. It could be something that is useful to them. It's something that's helping them, but unless you're selling air and water, they don't need it. You are appealing to their not self to sell. And that's just life. , business is the not self in the traditional space. 

Human design is a personal development system. I think it can be applied to business just like astrology can be applied to business with integrity. , but at the end of the day, yeah. It is a little bit of a. A little bit of a gray area. I'm fine with it. If you're listening to this, you're probably fine with it. 

So I hope you found this episode useful, just a quickie. I thought I would address the elephant in the room early on the podcast of my position on this. So, you know what it is. And think about this for yourself. You know, feel free to text me in the show notes, what you think, , you know, the text me feature or just. How do you feel about this? How do you feel in general about applying a system that is a personal development tool to business and. You know, where do you fall on that spectrum? 

And as long as your integrity with it, then. It's all good, but it's good to know where you feel so that you are using the tool in a way that feels good for you. I 

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