![[S1E5] The 5 Things Everyone Needs to Know About Having Emotional Authority As Their Decision Maker in Human Design Artwork](https://www.buzzsprout.com/rails/active_storage/representations/redirect/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaHBCRzdVWFFnPSIsImV4cCI6bnVsbCwicHVyIjoiYmxvYl9pZCJ9fQ==--f0554e84d59b0e59ea3567ded69741c6d6454410/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaDdDVG9MWm05eWJXRjBPZ2hxY0djNkUzSmxjMmw2WlY5MGIxOW1hV3hzV3docEFsZ0NhUUpZQW5zR09nbGpjbTl3T2d0alpXNTBjbVU2Q25OaGRtVnlld1k2REhGMVlXeHBkSGxwUVRvUVkyOXNiM1Z5YzNCaFkyVkpJZ2x6Y21kaUJqb0dSVlE9IiwiZXhwIjpudWxsLCJwdXIiOiJ2YXJpYXRpb24ifX0=--1924d851274c06c8fa0acdfeffb43489fc4a7fcc/Aligned%20Alchemis_Final.png)
REWIRING: Raw Talk about Business and Life
Tired of one size fits all business advice? Frustrated with surface level self-help that doesn't actually help? You are not alone. Welcome to REWIRING, where entrepreneurship meets deep personal transformation meets life evolution. 🔆We talk Human Design, neuroscience, energetics and subconscious reprogramming as we explore patterns of fear, self-sabotage, and other factors that keep us stuck. 🔆I'm Sunita — Ivy League engineer, MBA, MSc, 14-year entrepreneur, business consultant and midlife mystic. 🔆Let's explore what's possible when we align with our true nature and rewire the way we move through the world.
REWIRING: Raw Talk about Business and Life
[S1E5] The 5 Things Everyone Needs to Know About Having Emotional Authority As Their Decision Maker in Human Design
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Special Announcement: The Awakening Primal Energy masterclass ($44) happening on 12/7 is open for registration. Special bonus for early registration ⬇️
Class Link: https://truth-authority-b9b.notion.site/Awakening-Primal-Energy-13768c55ccfb807ca1b2f6dd220c0525
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Episodes Mentioned:
[S1E1]:Intro Episode to Find Your Chart
[S1E5]: How Entrepreneurs Can Alchemize Costly Mistakes Into Golden Opportunities
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[00:00:00] Hey everyone, welcome back to the podcast. Today's episode piggybacks on the first episode where I gave you instructions to find out if you are a sacral being. Really quick one minute with the free resource. Most of you guys are going to know what that means. You know what generator manifestor generator is.
And, like I said, there's a free resource in the Jovian Archive, and I linked that in episode one. Now sacral beings are 70 percent of the population, so it's likely it's you just by math. And just energetically, if you're attracted to me, it's also likely because I'm a sacral being and the big way that I use human design is, , really through life force optimization.
And that's a lot of what. Human design is when it gets down to the type. A lot of people use type as like an identity. You know, I'm a generator. It means this. I'm a manifesto. It means this. No, it doesn't. , and no, no, no type and no label is going to [00:01:00] represent 70 percent of the population. That's a future episode, but we do have a way that we respond to the world and we do have a way that we move.
And that's what I mean by sacral design. being. The thing about us is that we're quite easy when you break it down to mechanics and that's why it makes it kind of easy to uniform some of the other messages and that is that they're only one way to respond. That's our strategy and we have two types of authority, one's sacral authority and one's emotional authority.
In a nutshell, sacral authority is you respond and you act and emotional authority is you wait. There is a whole deep dive on my YouTube channel. I'm going to do on sacral authority. This episode ended up becoming a deep dive on emotional authority. Didn't plan to do that. I'll probably do a more general one for YouTube.
This one is a little bit more specific to business. And emotional authority is not unique to us. You can [00:02:00] be a manifester with emotional authority. You can be a projector with emotional authority. You can be obviously a sacral being with emotional authority. And so right there, I've given you 99 percent of the population.
The only people who cannot be emotional authority is reflector because they have no centers to find. So you're in good company no matter what type you are. And so how do you find out? If you're an emotional authority, well, you're going to follow the same instructions that I gave you in episode one to get your chart and it's going to tell you, but I don't want you to follow that.
I want you to follow it based on my instructions so that you can visually follow along. You are going to do what I did, told you to do before, where you see that square, you go up one square, , and that, you know, that'll tell you if you're a sacral being or not, if that's filled in, then what you're going to do is you're going to go one stop to the right.
Thanks. Take your finger, you're facing the screen, you go, take your finger and you go to the right. That's gonna, you're gonna land on a triangle. [00:03:00] If that triangle is filled in, you have emotional authority. If that triangle is not filled in, you don't have emotional authority.
If you have emotional authority, you make body decisions with that center. And there are five things I want you to know, five things I want you to take away about using emotional authority in business. Number one, it's the highest priority center. And what do I mean by that?
I mean that no matter what else is filled in your body graph. , if you have that emotions center filled in, that's the highest priority. It trumps all the other centers in your chart. And it actually doesn't even matter if you're a sacral being, if that's filled in, you have emotional authority. It's the highest priority and it's most important.
And why is that? Because if you think about what the centers are, the centers are where we are conditioned, where we take [00:04:00] an influence. So if they're undefined, we take an influence from outside conditioning, peers in the business world, it's going to be a coach, a family, a society, peers. And so, you know, The Emotion Center is actually going to determine whether or not, not only do you give a shit about what you're working on now, are you going to care about this tomorrow?
What about in three days? What about in three months? And so when you're building something as a sacral being, that's really, really important. A lot of people call it the Clarity Center. I call it the Clarity Center and I'll explain why a little bit later on, but you're going to be making decisions from that place.
So at the end of the day, human design is, and I said this in episode one, is about making decisions. You're making decisions with your body graph and not with your mind. When you are making [00:05:00] decisions based on your emotion center slash clarity center and you have it defined and filled in, you are making decisions coming from you.
Your emotions change. A decision that is right today might not be right tomorrow. And so that may sound complicated, but in a nutshell, it's the highest priority and that's all you need to know. Number two is that there is no truth in the now. And if the rest of emotional authority is over your head and you have that defined, just take that away for right now.
A lot of human design is a lived experience. Theory is one thing. Um, and that's why, you know, I'm using it as a tool for other aspects of life, but me telling you this is not going to make, you might get some ahas, but it's, you got to take this away and use it and see how you feel with this. And if you're new to sacral response, if you're new to emotional authority, I would actually ignore a lot of the [00:06:00] dogma.
that everything is strategy and authority. Everything is strategy and authority. We're not going to talk about the rest of human design until you get strategy and authority because you're using the mind. Frankly, it's touted by a lot of people who are coaches and early adopters to human design and guess who they are?
Projectors. Do they have sacral response? They don't. It's like telling a man, a man telling you what it's like to have cramps. You can't. So every sacral response is different. And I actually think that compared to the other types, our body response is the most conditioned is the most hidden from our body in modern society, modern times and further along in life you are.
The more that is going to be true. You probably live in your head. You're probably conditioned by old paradigm and you also, you know, have lost touch with your body. Another hypothesis I have on this is that, you know, women, what do you, what is the sacral? It's, it's [00:07:00] Greek, it's, it's procreation, it's creation at all levels.
So if we have this like aura we're sending out, right. It can be. Maybe, at some level, a hidden fear about being unsafe or sending out the wrong signal. There's an hypothesis I have on that, that it's been, it's been to our, you know, it's been by design that that's been conditioned out of us because that's why we operate as robots and, you know, women or people who have a turned on sacral doing what they want, that's going to look like a very different universe.
So, a lot there, just don't make decisions right away. and take some time to think about it. Don't commit to things in a spontaneous way because there's an outlay of energy there. You want to pause for a beat. You want to wait for clarity. You know, I don't like that it's called the emotion center because [00:08:00] emotions mean mind.
How are you feeling that day in your mind? And I don't like it. The solar plexus, solar plexus is traditional chakra that's in the seat of the body, the heart of the body. You know, you're, there's a sun on the cover, Leo and confidence and will, and that is not what the center is about. And one of the episodes and I introductory episode, I think it was, hello, it's me.
I briefly mentioned that we moved from a seven, eight, chakra center system to a nine centered being. And this is one of the new kind of centers. The two of the centers split. That's the bottom line for that. , and so it's confusing. So I call it the clarity center. You know, I live in New England and, , I don't know why people did this, but they came over here, they risked life and limb and they named all the towns, all of the counties, all of the streets, the same name as where they came from.
I don't know why [00:09:00] people do that, but there it is. So let's call it the Clarity Center for clarity purposes. And the reason you want to work for clarity is because if you have an emotional center, you're going to recognize that your emotions change. You might think one way one day, another thing, another day as a business owner, I'm sure there are days you literally want to throw the whole thing out the window.
, I cannot tell you the amount of times I'm like, yes, I want to do a podcast. I want to do a podcast. And so, you know, you got to wait for neutral. Right? , you got to wait for that kind of be balanced out a little bit so that the, you know, it's not a wave. Number three, that it's not rational. , and I just want to throw that out there because a lot of, , advice that's given out there is like rules.
Like, just sleep on it and decide the next day. Random rules. I think it's for Instagram memes that get, you know, people love to click on that Instagram shit. Everything's, everything's boiled down to a slide and it gives you the, it gives you the, you know, people that use human design is give me the rules for life.
Tell me what to [00:10:00] do, right? There is no rules. This is, try this on for yourself, but it's an accurate and there's a difference between it. Okay. You know, universalizing a concept, which is what I try to do as a five line, you know, takes, share something that everyone can take away, and generalizing something.
Generalizing it waters it down to the point of inaccuracy. They're not the same thing and I digress. But the timeline for you to make a decision is going to be completely irrational. You might need a day to decide you're selling all of your belongings and moving to Hawaii. You might need three months to decide you want to trade in your car for a new car.
Like I said, it took me years to get clear on what I wanted to do with my stuff and I'm still figuring it out. And there are reasons for that in my personal astrological chart, ways I'm literally reconstructing a new me. So I have an emotional wave. I'm an emotional authority. I'm an emotional wave in a larger metamorphosis container.
But the bottom line is it's not rational and people are not going to get it and you cannot let anybody [00:11:00] rush you is what you need to know and in future content or in some of my primers or courses I'll do. I'll I'll talk about how you better, you can work with this in a professional setting because human design in theory is one thing, but applying it to the real world is another thing.
And let's just talk about this for a second. Why is this important? Why am I emphasizing this so much? Let's think about this. If you're a sacral being with emotional authority, what you're doing is protecting your sacral energy. You're saying before I want to decide to commit to this thing, I'm going to make sure it's the right decision for me over time because I know that I have highs and lows.
I know that in the world we live in we want everyone to be happy and people medicate and positive psychology, rah rah, but the reality is that 50 percent of us have an emotional wave and it's natural to have highs and lows. There's light. There's dark. I don't, I'm not talking about bipolar or deep depression.
I'm talking about the natural ebb and flow that anyone with an emotional wave is going to have. And it comes in a wave and depending on the [00:12:00] gates and channels that you have activated and other centers, that will determine the nature of your wave. That could be its own separate piece of content, but it's going to come and go like a wave and think like an ocean, right?
You want to wait till there's calm seas. You're going to wait till there's neutral and you can gauge like, okay, I can make a decision from here. That's what you want to do. As a sacral being, you're protecting your life force energy and I gave a story in one of the episodes, Golden Nugget Entrepreneurial Mistakes.
I'll link that below. And I gave that story about the trip I took, the backstory about that, the coaching program I bought, the money I lost, , you know, so much. It was also confidence lost in myself as well as just the opportunity cost I lost, right? From all the money I could have spent on something else.
And that was before I understood emotional authority. That was way early in my experiment. I waited a long time to redeem that bonus. And I talk about that story. The bonus was good for a [00:13:00] very long time. And then the program was fairly long, almost a year. So when I purchased that, to the time I actually had to redeem the bonus, very, very big window.
And so I was paying for decisions, physically paying as well, for things, decisions I made a long time ago. And that's where we get off course. You set yourself up and sign yourself up for things that are like, oh shit, now what? And so I firmly believe that everybody who's got emotional authority is going to have a A story in their life where they could share.
I mean, we should start a support group. We could share, Oh my God, never again. Right? Anybody, if you have three lines, I'm a majority of three lines, more so three line is trial and error. Let's learn the hard way. And you're going to have a story like that, particularly if you've part further along in your journey, right?
Your life journey, you learned human design. You know, not at 20 where you can [00:14:00] save yourself a lot of trouble, but that's my story. My story is that it's not cheap. I'll be fine, but I'll never do that again. And the reality is when you push against your sacral, you actually burn out the battery. And so the after effects are a lot more than just the commitment of time spent.
Like for this instance, you might travel for three days and then sleep for four days afterwards because you pushed it to do something that it didn't want to do. You literally are driving the car without gas in it, and now you have to regenerate it back. You've thrown yourself off course, and as generators, we don't turn around quickly.
We're like these ocean liners, right? I mentioned I'm in New England, so let me give you another analogy, you know, that the commuter line in New England, it stops before it gets into the city, before you turn into the subway. And then it stops and it pauses and it goes back in the other direction. That's kind of what we are.
Pure generator is more than this. When we get off course, it's a whole thing. We got to get back on the track and it's a lot of [00:15:00] time and money lost. Opportunity cost lost, right? Time lost. And this is really going to depend on, you know, MGs are less than this than Gs. There are going to be placements in your chart that are going to make you more prone to, you know, finishing what you start in a not self way and holding on to the past.
You know, do you have undefined spleen, again, certain gates and placements. But as a general universalizable concept, we're going to pivot less quickly and commit to things. We got to be careful what we commit to things. And so for that reason, emotional authority is there to protect us. And for that reason, emotional authority is there to protect us.
I have an old iPhone. I need to replace it. It's very old. It's a 10X, 10 something like that. And it's not that old and you know, I don't know the battery. I can't rely on it. Right. I gotta have a charger with me a lot, especially when it gets down to like 50 percent because then it goes from like 50 percent to 25 percent and then gone.[00:16:00]
I can't rely on it. And so that's what I think of as the sacral. It's not this 24 hour go go go beings. I know that a lot of non sacral. Business coaches have used that in as marketing and their stuff, you know, don't listen to sacral business coaches. Listen to me because I know how your body operates as if we wake up in the morning and say, you know what I want to do today, I'm going to make a real, no, we don't, we don't like any of this shit either, but we do have sustained energy for what we want to do.
When we're energized, we can go a lot, but when we push ourselves, that last bit is going to get drained and is going to stay gone. Like and then we've got I don't want to get out of bed. I can speak for myself. I don't want to get out of bed. I'm depressed. Something's wrong with me. I have no energy. We turn to processed food.
We turn to dopamine hits like social media, caffeine. We try to moat ourselves in other ways like negative self talk or blah blah blah. And then we avoid the things that we [00:17:00] don't have energy for and then we literally have like overwhelm, right? And it's a cycle and welcome to the story of my life and welcome to the story of a lot of sacral entrepreneurs before they started paying attention to this stuff.
So, you know, if you're relating to this, by the way, comment, let me know. There's a text feature in the show notes. Let me know your stories. Let me know if you're resonating with this. Definitely want to hear your thoughts and your, your scary stories. Like, Oh my God, I did this. It could even be non business.
I got married. I bought this car. I decided to X, Y, Z, and it was a disaster. Tell me about it. I want to know about it. It's a protection mechanism that's built in. It's ensuring we're making decisions from a defined center. We're making decisions from our body because as sacral beings, people are going to want access to our energy.
We are the powerhouses of the earth and we need to make sure that we are making decisions about our actions in a way that's going to serve us. Because remember, a drained sacral being is also not powering anybody [00:18:00] else. So you get to decide. what that means for you. What's a big outlay of energy? , that is so subjective in the business world.
I'm going to say it's, you know, signing up for, I don't know, I'm going to do a YouTube channel. I'm going to do a podcast. I'm signing up with this coach. I'm going to run this program. I'm going to do this. class. It doesn't have to be a big thing, but I don't think of it as like going to a restaurant, doing a coffee chat, , going to a networking event or, you know, being a guest on somebody's podcast because what is emotional wave?
It's that it's going to change over time. So how long are you going to have to live with that decision? That's the window you need to be thinking of. An hour, a couple hours, you might, you know, it's, you're gonna be fine. So I don't want human design to become this thing where you're second guessing everything because that's another form of conditioning.
You just, you don't want to be making big decisions, whatever you decide is a big [00:19:00] decision, from an emotional high or an emotional low. And, again, this is not the mind, it's a horrible name, it's clarity. It's a feeling you get in your body, I would call it neutral. It's like this, you're never 100 percent sure, unfortunately you're 80 percent sure they say, but it's like you're, you're not wrestling with the decision anymore, you're kind of neutral on it.
And if you're wrestling with it, it's probably your mind. Either you made the decision with your mind or your mind is making you crazy and you actually know what to do. I choose to use emotional authority only for big decisions, big implication decisions. I don't use it for day to day stuff, like whether or not I should do this podcast.
I just let my sacred will tell me, yes, I want to do this. I have energy. This. Number four, it's a frequency. Every center has its own frequency and every center is emitting a frequency and it's a wave you're emitting a wave again, dependent on the gates and channels. And it's a frequency you're emitting.
And why is that [00:20:00] important? Because you are sending that signal to the outside world. A lot of artists who've been labeled melancholy, writers, poets, , anybody who's gotten a wave, you've probably been labeled an Eeyore sometimes at some level, right? Because we love shiny, happy people. And if you don't have a defined emotion center, you're going to take on other people's emotions.
You might take on their guilt. You might do stuff out of wanting to please them and all that. So it's in a frequency. So if you've got this defined, you're emitting that frequency out and you're affecting those around you positively or negatively. And that's something to be aware of. So, , before I get into further into content, I want to mention, find your frequency.
Find Your Frequency is my pilot cohort. I'm doing it. I'm limiting it to 10 to 12 people. It's going to run in early 2025. A couple of people already on that list haven't started promoting this podcast yet or promoting anything at all. That's going to be soon. So be aware of that. And I'm going to limit it.
And that interest link is, interest list is just that, put your email, I'm going to give it to those folks first. Jump on that list, [00:21:00] landing page in the show notes, and , that's it. It's going to be a ridiculous price to work with me in an almost one to one format, which I'm doing very little of, fraction of the price, and it's an opportunity to co create with the group.
The group will decide what we want to do, and we're going to go deep into the stuff. You know, I mentioned this isn't a human design podcast. I'm doing a deep dive on this, but that's where I'm really going to go deep into how to use this in business. We're going to talk circuitry. We're going to talk variables.
We're going to talk the stuff that really drives your life force in how you apply it to your business and life. Check it out. Probably only going to run it a couple of times live, never going to run it at a price point like this. Keep that in mind. Find your frequency link below. Number five, doesn't wait for you, not for you.
So this is tough in society, right? Because in the business world, we are sold on make a decision now. Remember that emotional authority is 50 percent of the population. It's not just us. And that's the way the coaching world is sold. It's the way that if you go to a retreat, they sell you something at the end, scarcity, marketing, [00:22:00] and all that.
And you know, a lot of the stuff people do, , remote challenges now and virtual webinars and all that. We used to do that in hotels. And all that stuff and so it was a really a way to bathe people in conditioning You know, I used to go to a lot of these it was really expensive cities You might share a room then you're in a room with these people for three days You paid for the event at the end.
They upsell you to the coaching program blah blah blah And if you sign before you leave the event, well, then you get the bonus. You get this thing, right? And it's all based on creating this false sense of urgency. And the truth is, look, if it's a high ticket program and you can afford it, you can also afford the additional 500.
Whatever bonuses they're going to give you. It's not going to be worth the second guessing of yourself that's going to happen afterwards. It's not going to help the time and energy drain away from your business.
It's not going to help the money and that that you lost. Then you're going to have the sunken cost mentality where you're going to do the modules and waste time on stuff that's not for you. We're [00:23:00] humans. You get it. It's a mess. So. You've got to really use all the information I'm giving you. Frankly, you could use this whether or not you're into human design, whether or not you're an emotional authority to put a new set of glasses on as you enter the business world or, you know, any part of the world, any kind of negotiation.
What's really going on here? They're manipulating you to the fact that 50 percent of the population have an emotional wave. There can be highs at these events and emotional high that's where they, you know, they get you up jumping around and slapping each other hands and making friends. You're, you're buying at that high.
And if you don't complete that program, you don't do that program, it doesn't matter. They have their money and that's what they're taught. This is classic sales training. I've taken so much sales training, I've taken so much fricking online coaching shit. It's unimaginable. You get a yes or no on the phone.
You don't even want a maybe. You want a yes or no. And it never sat with me because the whole thing was like, well, the [00:24:00] person who says I have to think about it. is someone who is just being nice to you and doesn't actually want to say no. and they don't know what they want and they're confused.
They're not someone who makes fast decisions, right? You get a lot of that in the bro marketing space, you know, successful people make fast decisions. Bullshit. And now there's a lot of people who've started to integrate human design into their coaching because that's like the pipeline now, right? You used to do human design, then you're a human design coach.
Now you're a, you sell coach human design to other coaches. That's the pipeline, but they still follow the traditional sales model of what I just said. Yeah. So, you believe emotional authority is real, but then you don't actually practice this in the way you run that business. With Age of Aquarius, I hope this inauthentic shit is going out the window, but at the very least I'm calling it out.
I'm calling you out on your podcast. You're full of shit. You're saying one thing and you're doing another thing. So it's really up to us, right? We have the [00:25:00] power. Take back our power, lean into our own authority, and say, if you have this defined, I have to think about it.
I'm not sure. I'm going to wait on that. And this could be for an apartment, this could be for contracting, a job, any opportunity. And I'm thinking big things here, right? I'm not talking about going out to dinner or guesting on a podcast, getting new curtains. I think I mentioned in prior episodes, I used to be a marketing consultant.
Marketing, consulting, contracting, a lot of what I did when I lived in Silicon Valley. Very, very competitive. You got a lot of people with a lot of really prestigious backgrounds, worked at really prestigious companies, then taking a step back to raise children, and then you become contractors and consultants.
A lot of supply, not a lot of demand, and at that time everyone was doing stuff on site. So we're all competing for the same spots in a geographic area. Recruiters will call you. I need your resume in an hour. , oh, yeah, the client wants to jump on the [00:26:00] phone with you tomorrow at 8am. Can you do that? Can you start Monday?
I need the contract by tomorrow. It's like crazy. Just high pressure tactics, right? Because it's commission based. And I didn't know anything about human design back then. I didn't know anything about emotional authority. But I just don't do that. I just don't play that fucking game. And I was like, you know what?
I'm not going to do this. So look, if it's not for you, if it doesn't wait for you, it's not for you. And often it gets better. So you know that apartment that you're not sure about? Well, maybe the person who was going to sell it to you three days later decides, Oh, you know what? I just want to get this off the market.
I'm going down 200 in price. That's an easy example you can understand. So it's not for you or it gets better. as you ride your weight. Think about that. And you don't have to be unprofessional about [00:27:00] this, right? You can say, I need to think about it, etc. There are ways to work with this in the real world.
But once you commit, this is what I'm talking about. And if someone can't wait 24 hours, a coach, , a job opportunity, an apartment, a landlord, I don't know, whatever, whatever your pressure point is here, , You know, whatever it is to create this false sense of urgency that maybe that apartment's not for you, that job's not for you, that client's not for you, that coach isn't for you, that contract's not for you.
And look, this takes a lot of self trust. Because you have to look fear in the face and say, no, this takes a lot of trust in the universe. And that's why human design, in my opinion, is not just a body system. It's a spiritual system. And that's why it's on this podcast, because it's the assumption that you're on your path and you're being guided on your path in the right way possible through your body signals.
And they're working together. It's using your [00:28:00] body as a navigational tool for your soul. That is human design in a nutshell. Minus the social media memes. So look, this was a much deeper dive into emotional authority than I planned. This is literally like a masterclass, but there you go. Find your frequency below.
Look, you got plenty of time to decide whether or not you want to be on that email list. And that's a low commitment. Anyway, you're going to know if it's for you when it's for you when I send that out. And business has scarcity built in it. That's part of psychology. That's part of sales. That's part of marketing.
You heard one of my other episodes where I talked about human design and business mixing. Is it the not self? Yes, it is. And they're going to use, you're going to use aspects of it in there, but it's really the intent. All of business energetics is the intent. How are you using it? You have to trust that the people who need to think about it when they finally think about it, maybe they're not spots available.
Maybe the price goes away. Maybe it wasn't for them. Maybe it's not all or nothing. Maybe it's just the way that you ensure [00:29:00] that the right people are in your containers in your world as clients. And you're, on the other side of it, you are protecting your life force energy and honoring your inner authority in the best way possible.
So there's a lot of people who say if you just followed your strategy and authority, you don't need any of the rest of human design. And you know, at a nutshell, I guess, in theory, I don't agree with that having learned all the other nuances of the system. They say the rest will take care of itself, but if you're in business and you're marketing and selling yourself in any way in line with your design, you have a business that, you know, you're building a business model and an operating model in line with your design, then just following SNA is not enough.
That's a personal development thing. That's for the real world. , and that's, we're going to talk about and find your frequency. That's going to be a lot of what we talk about, building your life and business around your design in a detailed, useful way. So you can apply this stuff. There's no shortage of just consuming free information.
This is for people who want to use it. And it's also gonna be a way to [00:30:00] work with me in a way that will never come in this kind of intimate container again. I think that's it. I'm gonna do a quick sum up just to ensure I landed this with you. Step 0, find your emotion center. See if it's colored in. Number 1, highest priority center.
If you have that defined, it trumps everything else and is your decision making center. Number 2, Number two, no truth in the now, there's a wave, you're going to ride that wave and you're going to get to neutral. Number three, it's not rational. The amount of time you're going to take for decisions is not going to make sense.
And it's not going to make sense to the outside world. And I'm talking big decisions here, based on what you determine to be a big decision. And that's going to be, , life, time, energy, money, you know, clients you take on, whatever, business stuff. And it's not going to make sense, like I said, and it's inconsistent.
So one thing might take you a day and another thing might take you a year. You don't have to [00:31:00] explain that to anybody else but you. And number four, that it's a frequency. It emits a frequency. The type of frequency is going to depend on the gates and channels that you've got. And other people are going to feel that and you're going to affect those around you.
, it's not really emotions. You know, we felt that bad vibe from people. That's not what I meant. It's unconscious to you. The body centers are unconscious to you. Whether or not you're trying to do it, you can put a smile on your face and blah, blah, blah. But you could be like in an emotional wave about something.
You're going to, other people are going to feel that. It's a vibration. You can't not emit it. It's a vibe. And number five, if it doesn't wait for you, it's not for you. Thank you so much for listening to this deep dive on the Emotion Center, the Clarity Center, the Solar Plexus Center, and all things emotional authority.
I'm sure since this is such a big topic and affects Sacral Beings so much, I'll be returning to this later on in the season, maybe with case studies or with interviews in a more applied fashion. [00:32:00] And that's it. Again, find your frequency link below. Text me any questions. About what I said, leave any comments, tell me scary stories, I'd love to hear them.
See you on the next one.