The Aligned Alchemist: Rebuilding the Path. Rewriting the Rules.

[S1E1] Welcome to the The Aligned Alchemist Podcast

Aligned Alchemist Season 1 Episode 1

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Want to  find out if you are a  Sacral Entrepreneur in Human Design? Find Out in 1 Minute.


Episode 9: [S1E9] Hello, It's Me. Again.

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Welcome to Awaken Your Inner Magic, the first and only podcast for sacral entrepreneurs. My name is Sunitha and I'll be your guide on this journey. This is the introductory episode to tell you a little bit about me, a little bit about the brand, and a little bit about the podcast.

Let's roll.


On this podcast, we explore mindset, manifestation, human design, and all things living in line with your purpose. The underlying message behind the podcast is how magical life can be when you begin walking your true path and some real practical ways where you can [00:01:00] awaken your divine wisdom that might be hidden from you or trapped or unseen.

Human design is a lens and a frame through which I approach this podcast because human design is a system that is about deconditioning from who we thought we needed to be , and there's a notion in human design about shoulds and making decisions from what they call a not self place.

And those are all things that can take us off the path. The underlying brand behind this podcast is a brand called the Aligned Alchemist. And if you know that book, it's by Paul Kohelo and it's all about staying the course of your path and allowing the omens, the signs, the synchronicities to keep you going and not to listen to the naysayers and to trust your intuition.

And with bringing in human design, it's [00:02:00] also about trusting your body wisdom, shedding from influence. and tapping into your superpowers. And here we talk about that in the context of business. And we talk about that in the context of life as well. If you're drawn to this podcast, it means that you're open to the unseen.

And it means that you resonate with this notion that traditional personal help has not helped. One size fits all business advice hasn't fit you you struggle with fear, you struggle with self doubt, you struggle with procrastination, and you struggle with overwhelm. And you are looking to overcome that and you are looking to Get to the other side of wherever you are now.

If you found me, you're on a journey and this podcast is part of your journey. And it's really about accepting that the obstacles and the trials and the tribulations that we've been on up until now are going to be [00:03:00] fuel for our transformation in the future. That is really part of the brand of the Aligned Alchemist.

 This podcast is a subset of that brand and it's really about finding ways to help you awaken that, awaken that transformation or just awaken that inner wisdom in yourself. It's going to be a podcast of guests, solo episodes, stories, practical tips, and powerful truths.

 And it's a seasonal podcast. The whole objective of the podcast is to bridge the practical and the mystical. It's what I do. my background is very varied.

I talk about it in length in episode nine called Hello, It's Me, but I have a background in business. I have a background in engineering. I have a background in functional medicine with formal degrees and all of those. I've done a lot of different things. I've been an entrepreneur for over 13 years and I'm certified or trained in a lot of the stuff that I talk about on this podcast.

So this podcast wants to be a mesh of the [00:04:00] practical and the mystical. Which is what I bring to the table, but I also want it to be something different. There are a ton of human design podcasts out there. I didn't feel that there was a need for just the same thing.

And I also have a strong distaste for a lot of the personal development podcasts that are out there, big names, big hype. But I find the conversation very, very surface. And instead of magnetizing me, they repelled me. And then finally, when it came to the spiritual stuff, I found that it was a lot of love and light, a lot of airy fairy nonsense.

Transcribed that didn't feel very practical and didn't feel very applicable to the entrepreneurial space, to the material plane, and to the real world. And so this podcast is what I wish was around when I was starting on my journey in spirituality almost 10 years ago, combines everything that I know.

And I'm also going to be bringing you guys along on my personal journey. [00:05:00] Recreation journey in a way that is applicable to you and hopefully inspiring but also practical and giving you real ways to apply all the stuff that we talk about. Season one will be more human design focused just to lay the foundation and I think I guess that's it.

I really wanted to welcome you to the podcast, give you an idea of what it's about and give you kind of a taste of my vibe. It's hard to articulate your vibe unless you listen to somebody's voice and I find voices very repelling or attracting. So that way you kind of know who you're going to be hearing a lot of.

Even though, like I said, there are going to be guests as well. This is part one of the introductory episode. And in part two, I'm going to give you a two minute primer on human design for folks who don't know anything about it. And also a way for you guys to learn whether or not you're a sacral being.

And then you're the audience for this podcast. You're going to know if you're an entrepreneur or not. And [00:06:00] when I say entrepreneur, it's not specifically for those who are scaling. It's not for those who are building, it's not for people who are paying. building on the side, it's for all of that and people who are recreating themselves.

And that's because it's not a business business focused podcast where you have to be at 10k months and now you want to go to the next level or you're hiring a team or you're figuring how to get your first five clients. This isn't that kind of a business podcast. What I mean is that your business is one part of you but you're a spiritual being having a human experience and you're doing different things in the world.

You're creating your own reality. You don't play in the sandbox. You don't like rules and you do things differently. You like to hang out with and learn from other people who are doing things differently. That's what I mean by entrepreneur. And especially in human design, if you're a sacral being, you're a generator or a manifesting generator, you build differently, you create differently, and you're going to create a sustainable business in a certain way.

And that's going to be very, very different from [00:07:00] the skills that it takes to navigate the professional realm. when you work for somebody else. And so that's why I'm focusing on that in this podcast because that's the side of you that you're going to lean into when we talk about the sacral being. All right, that's the highlight of the podcast.

And now stay tuned for part two, if you want to learn more about how to discover if you're a sacral entrepreneur or a sacral being, you don't know that already. And any other bits and bobs you may want to learn about human design before you we get more into the meat of the season.

And the two things you should maybe know about me before we keep going is that number one I swear So i'm not swearing on this podcast the first one So that you know that before you continue all the episodes will have an explicit rating But what you see is what you get with me.

You just want to let you guys know that up front and The second thing to know is that you will see that I'm not a pure play of anything. So I talk about human design. I also talk about my manifestation and the mind. [00:08:00] And if you don't know human design and don't know why that is a big deal, don't worry.

If you do know human design and you're very much like, that's them over there, we're over here. I don't follow any rules. And if you know what human design is, I'm a 5, Pure generator with a defined heart and a gate three Slash change agent alchemist gate. So I do whatever the heck I want and this podcast will demonstrate that it's for you It's not for you.

But either way i'm happy to have you here Here is the two minute introduction to human design What is human design human design is a metaphysics system and it has to do with how energy moves through you The optimal use of energy through your body and combined with your soul blueprint, which are your unique superpowers.

That's it. Oh, and how you're conditioned, influenced by the outside world. There is a whole other enchilada of that, but that's it. It's how are you conditioned, [00:09:00] influenced by others. It's where are your superpowers and divine gifts in your chart. And it's how energy moves through you. And if you are a.

audience for this podcast. You are a sacral being, which means you're a generator or a manifesting generator. 99 percent of you guys are going to know what that means. But in case you don't, here's what we're going to do. There is a link in the show notes called Jovian, for the Jovian Archive. It's a website.

 That is the official school of human design. You're going to put in the information, which is going to be your birth time. If you have the day and you don't have the exact time, I believe the aura type is still correct.

Aura type meaning you're a generator or manifesting generator. The rest of the chart is going to be crap, but you could put in noon and I think you're still going to know whether or not you're a sacral being. So if don't have your exact birth time, which I know is some of you guys, if you have the date, do that.

Go to Jovian Archive, you put in the information. It's going to spit out a body graph on the left side and on the right side, it's going to tell you all the things. Don't look there. Don't cheat [00:10:00] because it's going to tell you I'm a generator. I'm a manifesting generator. I want you guys to do this based on the body graphs.

You know what I'm talking about. So if you look at the body graph, it looks like this weird, I don't know what the heck it looks like a spaceship sitting up, and you're going to see a square at the bottom. Then you're going to go up directly one square. That square is either going to be colored in or not colored in.

If it's not colored in, you're not a sacral being. That means you're a projector, a reflector, or a manifester. If it is colored in, then you are a sacral being. The rest of it doesn't matter. . None of the other centers matter. None of the other colored in boxes or not colored in boxes matter.

That's it. You're the audience for this podcast. You're gonna decide whether or not the topics appeal to you and you're gonna know whether or not you're an entrepreneur even if it's not your full time thing. So that's the audience for this podcast. That's me. And if you want to know even more about the podcast, then you can check out Hello, It's Me.

 I think it might be episode eight or nine. And I'll link that in the show notes. And in the show notes, you're going to find [00:11:00] other places to find me. 

Including a link to my YouTube channel, Aligned Alchemist, and that's linked below. And there will be episodes on one on one content there. So there is a video on generator soon to have a video on manifesting generator. 

And you should know that sacral beings represent 70 percent of the population, you're in good company. And the reason that I talk about sacral beings is not because the other types are not important. It's because going back to the top of the podcast, this isn't a human design podcast. I use human design as the frame through which I discuss other topics in business and personal development and mindset.

And so the first couple episodes talk about human design because there are some foundational things you're going to want to know to even get started on your journey, but you actually don't need to know every detail. And because sacral energy has to do with how energy moves through us, how we build, how we recreate.

And so that's really what this podcast is about. It's about life [00:12:00] force optimization and doing that in line with the divine. If that sounds interesting. Check it out. If you want to learn more about me or more about the brand check out. Hello It's me episode linked below and I'm happy to have you here

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