Awaken Your Inner Magic: For Sacral Entrepreneurs Ready to Overcome Self-Doubt and Manifest Their Desires

[S1E0] Want to Know if You are a Sacral Entrepreneur? Find Out in 5 Minutes

Aligned Alchemist Season 1 Episode 1

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In this free mini masterclass:

  • Get clarity on what it means to be a sacral being (i.e. are you one?, generator and manifesting generator)
  • A crash course in the 5 fundamental components of Human Design you need to know to get started (plus a KEY bonus tip!)
  • Insight into how your energy type influences your business decisions
  • A quick overview of centers and how they affect all of the above 

You can find me at Success and Spirit on

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Hey, everyone. Welcome to the aligned Alchemist. The first and only podcast

dedicated to sacral entrepreneurs. And by sacral entrepreneur, I mean,

manifesting generator or generator. My name is Sunita, and this podcast is the

intersection of human design mindset and business. And anything you'd want to

know about me and my approach to human design. And a lot of other stuff is in

the first three episodes, which are the foundational episodes to kick off the

podcast. And for those of you who know nothing. I want it to give you five

foundational things to know about human design so that you can continue on

the journey with us. I'm going to make the assumption that most of you guys

know this, and that's why I'm doing it at the beginning as an episode, zero. So

you guys can skip this. If it's a little bit extra. , everything else you'd want to

know about the podcast is going to come coming in future episodes.

And by the way, I talk about the origins of human design, how it compares to

astrology, the areas of life that can be used in how it applies to business, how it

applies to decision-making. And all that other stuff in the foundational series,

this is just the five foundational components that you need to know. And I have

a YouTube channel success and spirit.

Those three words are me everywhere on social media, as well as YouTube.

That is my major brand. And that is where you can find more foundational


Here are the five things to know. Number one. You have a body graph. And the

body graph is composed of nine centers.

If you were to Google human designed body graph for free. You'd find a place,

probably some coaches site where you could input. Your information. You need

your exact birth time. And that is important. You cannot make it up. And you're

going to spend out a body graph. If you see the body graph and you go to the

very bottom, you're going to see a square at the base of the body graph. You go

one up from that, you're gonna see another square. If that square is filled in.

You're a generator or a manifesting generator. That's all you need to know to

know there's your sacral being.

That's step one. Number two. There are nine centers. The centers can either be

filled in or not filled in. Colored in or not colored in they're colored. And they're

defined if they're not colored in their undefined. And there's something known

as an open center that a stew with gates not going to get into that for the

purposes of this. Topic. So the mix and match that you specifically have colored

in and not colored in, in your chart. They are going to determine number three,which is your aura type. Your aura type is how you energetically move through

the world.

There are five or a types of manifesting generator, generator, projector,

reflector, and manifestor of those only two are sacred beings. They are the

manifesting generator and the generator. They represent 70% of the population.

And that's what I mean by sacral being. Number four, depending on which

centers you have filled in or not filled in, that will determine your authority.

Some people refer to it as inner authority.

You'll probably just hear me refer to it as authority on this podcast, inner

authority just means it's your body's decision-making tool. Versus external and

30 versus what your mind is telling you to do versus what other people are

telling you to do, versus what common sense tells you to do versus what a coach

tells you to do versus what an expert tells you to do. You get it. It is your body's


So when we were referred to authority, that is what we refer to and the mix and

match of centers that you have will determine your authority. And number five.

If you are a manifesting generator or a generator. You'll only have two kinds of

authority. You have emotional authority and you have sacral authority.

That's it. It doesn't matter if you have the other centers filled in, you only have

two types of ways you can make decisions. So if you're a sacral being, you can

only be a generator or a manifesting generator. And if you are a generator or a

manifesting generator, you can only have sacral authority or emotional authority

That is . All I'm going to give you on this podcast to keep it quick and dirty.

And I have foundational content on my human design channel, but if you know

those five things, you can continue all along with us.

And I have done a deep dive into the first three episodes where I have talked

about. , how I intersect these three components, human design mindset and

business on this podcast and the origins of human design, how it compares to

astrology. And all the other things. One last thing I will say to you. As a bonus

piece. Is that. Unlike Western astrology. Human design has a secondary chart.

So in astrology, your chart is cast at the time of your birth. Human design has a

second chart known as your unconscious chart. That is cast 90 days before

you're born. So that is unconscious to you. And so there's an unconscious side to

you in human design and a conscious side to you. And that is going to be

important for you to know.That is completely different than any other system. . And if you are familiar

with human design, this, you already know this, but this is for the folks who

know nothing. This podcast is geared towards people have some understanding

of human design, but. I try to communicate things in a way that I think everyone

would be able to get something out of it, sacral being or not. It is geared towards

entrepreneurs. And this podcast is a mesh.

So it is not just a human design podcast. I talk about entrepreneurship. I talk

about mindset. I talk about the subconscious mind. I talk about business

energetics. I talk about manifesting. I talk about things that could fall in those

categories. That sounds like your jam. Love to have you join us and come

along. Be sure to hit that subscribe button in your podcast player. So you don't

miss a fresh episode. . Thank you for listening. And if you're going to join us,

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