The Aligned Alchemist: Decoding Sacral Success Through Human Design

[S1E3]: From Misdirected Ambition to Aligned Alchemist: Is Human Design is the Missing Piece in Your Business Puzzle? (Part 3)

July 05, 2024 Human Design for Business Season 1 Episode 3
[S1E3]: From Misdirected Ambition to Aligned Alchemist: Is Human Design is the Missing Piece in Your Business Puzzle? (Part 3)
The Aligned Alchemist: Decoding Sacral Success Through Human Design
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The Aligned Alchemist: Decoding Sacral Success Through Human Design
[S1E3]: From Misdirected Ambition to Aligned Alchemist: Is Human Design is the Missing Piece in Your Business Puzzle? (Part 3)
Jul 05, 2024 Season 1 Episode 3
Human Design for Business

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Curious about how Human Design can transform your business approach? In this revealing episode, Sunita breaks down the essentials of this powerful system.

In this final part of our introductory series, we tackle controversies and practical applications of Human Design in business:

  • The truth about Human Design certifications that no one's talking about
  • Understand how to apply Human Design principles authentically in your business 
  • Explore the concept of "living your design" and why embodiment is crucial for effective Human Design coaching
  • Get a preview of future podcast topics, including deep dives into sacral energy and its role in business decisions

Plus, Sunita shares her personal journey with Human Design and why she found it to be the missing piece in her own development.

If you're ready to tap into your sacral superpowers and revolutionize your approach to business, scroll up and click play!

P.S. This concludes our 3-part foundational series. P.S. If you haven't listened to part 2 yet, make sure to check it out for the full context
[S1E2]: 👉🏽 🔗

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👉🏽To leave a review, find The Aligned Alchemist on the Apple Podcasts app. Scroll down to the “Ratings & Reviews” section and tap on the stars to rate the show. And then tap “write a review” to rate and review the podcast. It's the best way you can support the show. Thank you!

Whether you're new to Human Design or looking to apply it more effectively in your business, this episode lays the groundwork for your aligned entrepreneurial journey.

Tune in to start your path towards more aligned growth and decision-making in your business and life.

YOUTUBE VIDEO: Human Design 101

Content Pillars of ‘The Aligned Alchemist’

How to use Human Design in business 
How to build an aligned business 
How to to use astrology in business
How to get attracted aligned clients 
How to use sacral response in business
How to use sacral response in Human Design
How to be a generator in business
How to be a manifesting generator in business 
How to market using Human Design
How to work with the subconscious mind
How to build an audience using Human Design
Human Design in business and marketing

This is not a podcast like 'DayLuna Human Design Podcast' by Dana Stiles and Shayna Cornelius, 'The No BS Human Design Podcast' by Adriana Keefe, 'Astrology and Human Design by Kelsey Crookshanks'.

Show Notes Transcript

💌 Send Me a Question or Comment via Text!

Curious about how Human Design can transform your business approach? In this revealing episode, Sunita breaks down the essentials of this powerful system.

In this final part of our introductory series, we tackle controversies and practical applications of Human Design in business:

  • The truth about Human Design certifications that no one's talking about
  • Understand how to apply Human Design principles authentically in your business 
  • Explore the concept of "living your design" and why embodiment is crucial for effective Human Design coaching
  • Get a preview of future podcast topics, including deep dives into sacral energy and its role in business decisions

Plus, Sunita shares her personal journey with Human Design and why she found it to be the missing piece in her own development.

If you're ready to tap into your sacral superpowers and revolutionize your approach to business, scroll up and click play!

P.S. This concludes our 3-part foundational series. P.S. If you haven't listened to part 2 yet, make sure to check it out for the full context
[S1E2]: 👉🏽 🔗

❤️Loving the show? Hit subscribe/follow so you don’t miss out on more transformational tips!
Leave a review on Apple Podcasts so that more sacral beings like you can enjoy the podcast.

👉🏽To leave a review, find The Aligned Alchemist on the Apple Podcasts app. Scroll down to the “Ratings & Reviews” section and tap on the stars to rate the show. And then tap “write a review” to rate and review the podcast. It's the best way you can support the show. Thank you!

Whether you're new to Human Design or looking to apply it more effectively in your business, this episode lays the groundwork for your aligned entrepreneurial journey.

Tune in to start your path towards more aligned growth and decision-making in your business and life.

YOUTUBE VIDEO: Human Design 101

Content Pillars of ‘The Aligned Alchemist’

How to use Human Design in business 
How to build an aligned business 
How to to use astrology in business
How to get attracted aligned clients 
How to use sacral response in business
How to use sacral response in Human Design
How to be a generator in business
How to be a manifesting generator in business 
How to market using Human Design
How to work with the subconscious mind
How to build an audience using Human Design
Human Design in business and marketing

This is not a podcast like 'DayLuna Human Design Podcast' by Dana Stiles and Shayna Cornelius, 'The No BS Human Design Podcast' by Adriana Keefe, 'Astrology and Human Design by Kelsey Crookshanks'.

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[00:00:00] Hey everyone. Welcome back to the aligned Alchemist and welcome to the final part. Three of the three part introductory series that we're really using. To kick off the aligned Alchemist to let you guys know a little bit about what this podcast is about. And a little bit about me. In episode one, I gave you a bit about my business background. I talked to you about some of the different ways that human design can be used in health and business and personal development. I also shared a little bit about the four foundational pillars of human design, where they come from. How human design differs from astrology. And the fact that human design is a body system. I also shared the founding origins of human design, the controversies behind that, my opinions on that. My spiritual background, my training as an, a former astrologer and probably other things. 

So that's what those podcasts [00:01:00] episodes are about just setting the foundation as we're going to kind of really roll into the content. And as the introductory or the introduction for the podcast states, this is for sacral entrepreneurs. So I'm assuming, you know, whether or not you're an entrepreneur. 

And I'm also assuming that if you know what human design is, you know what this means when I call you a sequel being. Sacral being means you're a manifesting generator or a generator. And. This is not going to be like the 1 0 1 of human design. I have a YouTube channel linked below success and spirit where I do foundational content for free. 

And you can check that out. I have a 

series on all of the aura types, manifesting generator, projector, or manifesting generator and generator. Or I will very soon. Generator is already up there. And essentially, if you were to go to any free site, just go just Google human design chart for free. And you need to have your exact birth time and [00:02:00] location. And date just like an astrology chart and it is that precise. 

Anyone who's going to tell you, oh, you don't really need it as blowing smoke up your ass. You do need it. Actual precision. , and you put that in and you would. Spit out this body graph thing, which if you go to my human design, 1 0 1 video in the YouTube channel, you'll see it again. You're going to see this. 

If you just Google body graph. You'll see a square at the bottom. And then you'll see a square right above that. If that square right above that bottom square, which is the root chakra or the root center. If the center above that, which is a sacral Central's filled in colored in. You are a manifesting generator or a generator it's quite easy. So that is who this podcast is geared towards right now. I've been having on hiring about it, but I feel that it's the right decision because we really, really build differently. 

And if you can believe this. This is the first podcast geared towards sacral entrepreneurs. Even though we represent 70% of the population. Now [00:03:00] anybody is welcome to listen to this. It doesn't matter your aura type. And if you're a coach. , You're married to anybody, your partner with anybody, you have children, you have coworkers, you have neighbors, math. 

I mean, we're 70% of the pie, even if you're a non sacred being. Some people refer to them as non-energy beings. I heard that that was a negative term. So I'll no longer use that. And by that, I mean manifestor or projector reflector. Those are quote non-energy types. They are the non sacral types. And so you're going to have a sacred in your life and you just might be interested in that majority of our clients are gonna be sacred beings, et cetera, et cetera. 

Unless of course your son was special. You're a projector specializes in projectors or a manifestor who specializes in manifestors and there are podcasts specifically dedicated to that. I mentioned in the last one of the first episodes that I'm a five one. So this decision is difficult for me because the five is a universalized. 

And so we're really here to universalize concepts to everyone so that everybody can take something that they can understand. So I. Plan to discuss sacral [00:04:00] entrepreneurship in a way that everybody can understand it, whether or not you're a sacral being or not. And you can get something out of that. So. Also something that I'm going to be talking about later in this episode is certifications. 

What they are, what, they're not my opinions on them. My unfiltered opinions on them. And you should know that in one of the certification programs, it's by someone named Karen Curry Parker. She has a TM after her system, which is quantum human design. I am going to share spare you my opinions on that. 

It doesn't matter. But the bottom line is she refers to the generator as the Alchemist. So now you can kind of see where this whole podcast name came from. The aligned Alchemist. And I have it, a lot of pressure on me to change the name. Something that I get into in the next episode, where I talk about really, really relying on your intuition and your actual, your energetic blueprint to make branding decisions. [00:05:00] And why sometimes using branding decisions or making branding decisions. Based off of what makes sense or based off of a quote expert. Can go awry. And if you listen to the first couple episodes, you know, that I am just as much an act marketing and branding expert as anyone I've been in the marketing world or more so than most of the people in the online space. MBA been in the branding and marketing world for 20 plus years to prior six-figure businesses that have nothing to do with coaching. 

I understand branding and that's what I do with people. But branding using your human design and branding using your intuition is different than branding. Just using logic. So if that's something that interests you stay tuned for that in episode four. And I talk a little bit about the specifics around the cover, which I was also told to change as well as the name and we'll see how it goes. 

But right now I am leaning into my energetic blueprint. To make decisions over somebody else's. Opinion. And that my friends is human design. I talked a lot about. [00:06:00] Why human design was useful in different forms of life. And ultimately the way that I apply it to business, if you had to break it down into two fundamental components, although there are so many areas we'll talk about is decision-making empowered. 

Decision-making. And power decision making means. You are making decisions based on what is right for your soul path, what is right for your destiny? What is right for your business and your life? At a particular time. Based on your body graph. Based on how you're designed to sell marketing influence and based on your innate knowing and your innate knowing is going to be a combination of your intuition. Andrew sacral, the are different. 

And that is something that nobody talks about. And I'm going to talk about in depth in a future content. It is a big reason why I became passionate about working with sacral beings, because I feel like we mix them up in the personal development space. I have my hypotheses around why that is, and we'll get into that in [00:07:00] future content. And the other area is that the branding piece. 

So marketing. Using your human design. Means that you sell market and influence in particular ways you communicate in certain ways, certain. Marketing vehicles are going to be better for you than others. They're going to feel better than you for you than others. Certain. 

Business. Frameworks are going to be feel better for you than others. In one of the future episodes I talk about. When I was a health coach and some information that I'd gotten, that wasn't the right fit for me. Well, part of the reason I left that coaching. Business. It's not because I wasn't successful. 

It was because it was built off of a model that didn't fit my circuitry. And if you ever traveled and tried to plug in a blow dryer or something where. You know, you need an adapter or it's the wrong circuitry or it's a two 20 versus one 10. Well at either will. Blow out the actual blow dryer or it just won't work. [00:08:00] And we are no different. 

We have different circuitries and we are built very differently. And that is all outside of our aura type. That is true, regardless of whether or not you're a sacred being or not. But the reason why sacral beings are a big focus of this. Platform. Is because we are the Energizer buddies. We are here to build. 

We are the creators. We are the alchemists we build over time. We build slowly, which is what I talk a little bit about in, I think, episode five. And I talk about. Foundation building. And. So that is something that it's very important for us. We can get influenced and it's hard for us to turn a ship around if you, I live in the Boston area and. , the computer rail ends at a certain place. And then the T begins, which is the actual Boston subway oldest subway system in the country. And what happens is the commuter. We'll go there up to the tee line and then it's going to reverse and come back. 

Cause it doesn't go into the city. It's a suburban light. [00:09:00] I'm sure you guys know this. If you live in a city. And so what happens is just, it goes there, it sits there. And then it shifts in the other direction. And so for us who are sacred beings, and I'll be talking a lot more about this, it is a very, very difficult for us to shift direction. 

Once we get started down a path. And it's more difficult for us to let go of things and pivot. And so the more that we can. Not get off path in the beginning. The better off we are. And that's a big part of what empowered decision making is. It doesn't mean you're not going to have trial and error and entrepreneurship. 

That's part of the game. And if you have a lot of three-line energy in your chart, you're going to have more of that. But it does mean that you can avoid making decisions that you look back and you regret because you felt pressured. You felt like you were listening to somebody else's advice and so on and so forth. So the other thing about the sacral. Is that we're making decisions moment by moment. 

And obviously I'll be doing a bunch of dedicated content to the sacral itself, how the sacral [00:10:00] is used in business. How we really can use our sacral energy to call an opportunities how it works with the law of attraction and all of that. That's a big part of what season one is about. , but you are more likely to be making very, very, , illogical decisions on a moment by moment basis based on your sacral energy. And so the more that you are. Online and inline with your path, your purpose, your overall vision. 

And you're able to stick to that. The more that you can trust those kinds of day-to-day decisions that you're making, because we make decisions all the time. Decision fatigue is real, and it is something that is a part of just being a business owner. 

So. This podcast is very much a 360 approach. I mentioned my background in business. I mentioned I'm trained in neuro-linguistic programming, which is the mind. I bring in mindset. I bring in law of attraction and energetics. I also have a master's in functional medicine and I will bring in wellness aspects [00:11:00] because your battery. Is going to be drained or recharged obviously by doing stuff in line with your sacral, but it's also your health and your lifestyle. And not everything is human design and it's dangerous to believe that every reason why you're drained has to do with this is the wrong thing for you. 

It could just be that you're not. You're not living the way you should be living. And we'll talk more about that in the future. 

So it's a body system. It's an energy system. Obviously, if you're listening to a podcast called the aligned Alchemist, you believe in energetics, you believe in the unseen, you believe in all of that stuff, it doesn't mean that you don't believe in the mind. But you also recognize that in the Western world, we do everything with our brains. 

We do everything with the mind and IX, existing personal development systems, such as neuro-linguistic programming, hypnotherapy mindset, coaching performance optimization. It's all about the mind. [00:12:00] And like I said, I'm certified in many things, I've done a lot of these things. And I also understand the. Principle that the subconscious mind rules, the show, the subconscious mind is responsible for 90% of the helm of the ship. And, you know, it's, I believe what the Brooke Chopra said, which is that the subconscious mind is not the subconscious mind. 

It is actually the superconscious mind is our higher knowing and it does make contact with the greater field. And that is what I do. Bring in mindset, coaching. I think just relying your body is just not being recognizing how we actually move through the world, but. The Soma, which is Greek for the body. Is lost. Ancient methodologies are lost and that's why bringing back the shock or a beginning back the Kabbalah, bringing back some modic bodywork is becoming more and more popular. If you do not know yoga is considered is the Sanskrit word for a union of body and mind. 

And that is a lot of what human design is and the way that I do it. And that is why in the podcast description. [00:13:00] I say, we meet at the intersection of human design. Mindset in business. And I wanted you to know that up front, because there are some purists who don't believe that the mind is important at all. 

I think that's bullshit. I do think that the fact that the mind should not be used to make decisions. And figure everything out because we all know that it can be. Logic often, isn't going to take us to where it wants to go. It can be conditioned. And it's often based off of what we think we should do versus what we actually want to do or what we're meant to do. 

So I use human design is one of the bigger piece of a bigger picture. And I do that with my, with my clients and in line with the podcast. And I'll be talking soon about how to work with me and get on my email list and all that kind of stuff. 

 Human design is like astrology is an algorithm. It's a blueprint at the system. So it is an energy based system. But it is different than like the taro or crystals or energy medicine. And that it's very specific. There is a system to human design. There is a system to astrology. You can do [00:14:00] it wrong. You can make it too much open to interpretation. And that is why it is important to really understand human design. 

Before you applied to business. I have seen so much horse manure out there. I alluded to some of it in earlier episodes and I see people calling themselves. People who are manifesting generators, they say they're half manifester. That's not true. Manifestors are completely different. 

And depending on when you listen to this, my manifestor video will be up on YouTube. I'll have a manifestor on my podcast in the season. We're going to have all the different types on here. So that we can understand all the different types of how we best interact, but you're not half manifester. That's bullshit. Projectors be more strategic. 

I mentioned that last time. Crap. And a lot of people just use their profile and nothing else. And it's your circuitry, it's your gaze, your channels, your throw case. If you're gonna start to use this to sell marketing influence and you're using partial information because you want to figure it out yourself. 

This podcast is for people who don't want to figure out themselves. And obviously my paid programs are for [00:15:00] that as well, because I do, I actually think you do more damage. , remember whatever you put in your mind is what your subconscious is going to believe. So if you think I can't do this, I can do this. I'm built this way, et cetera. 

You can condition yourself into using these systems in a negative way. That's actually going to hurt you. So, you know, human design brings in all that. It also brings in the chemistry. , quantum mechanics, law of attraction, all of that stuff. I'll do a deep, deep dive on law of attraction because I think there's stuff that the law of attraction. Gets right, and gets wrong. 

And it's very, very important for sacral beings in particular. And we'll talk about that in future episodes. You know, the whole notion that we are separate from energy is moving away. , we might be not be talking about human design on LinkedIn, but it, where people are talking about it everywhere else. 

And yes, people in. YouTube videos for law of attraction do take Liberty where they talk about a lot of scientific based stuff that I don't think they actually know what they're talking about. But quantum entanglement is real. It won the Nobel prize last year. It's [00:16:00] fascinating. 

And I have so many stories that I want to talk about what I've seen energy in play, and I'll have to save it because I'm so early on in the podcast, but that's definitely what we're going to be bringing in. I'm going to bring stories and examples and trying to explain this in a way that just breaks it down in a way that demystifies it, but doesn't water it down. And that's a very big piece of my brand as a one line. 

The foundation is important. And authority is important. And with that, 

I'm going to switch into talking about certifications. While we're talking about foundations and authority, why don't we talk about certifications? So there's a couple of types of certifications. There is something known as the IDH S that is the official human design school. And that was founded by the human design founder before he passed. And it's very expensive to get certified there as an analyst. And a lot of people who claim that if you're not certified through there, then you shouldn't be doing human design. I attitudes towards that. 

By my tone, you can probably tell is that it's fucking bullshit. I don't care to certification means. [00:17:00] It's all about the work you've done yourself. Embodying this design, this isn't a. Cerebral. Metaphysics system, like astrology is an embodied system and you're going to learn the more you've done. 

You can learn the more you've lived. You're going to learn where the clients you've worked with being, having a certification in that or their business version, which is BG five. Does not mean, you know, anything more about business or applying human design to business than anybody else. And there's a lot of dogma that is out of tune, in my opinion, in that particular system of color old fashioned thinking, remember this was released in the nineties and a lot of stuff is just not really the way it was anymore. Also. Anybody else who has a certification program? 

Who's a coach is not. Associated with them in any way, shape or form. They have created a certification system to make money. Certification systems. I'm going to say this. Here, you can put a pin in it. I will stand by it. Our money-making programs for the coaching industry. Certification programs are [00:18:00] a way for coaches. To charge something that's $5,000, whatever. They do the program once and they can sell it. And it's a way for them to create a false narrative, a proprietary, something that doesn't fucking exist. 

They are no more associated with human design. Official. Officialness than anything else. You, you know, I talked in the first episode, how I have a patented line. You cannot just get a patent on something. You can get a trademark on something in about five minutes. So that is a form. And that is a couple hundred bucks. 

So having a trademark on something means nothing. And you could change the names of the gates. You can change the names of the, the types. You know, I said I'm a five one when the official school that's considered the Heredic. The investigator, that's the official name. All you could change it to the visionary resource and all of a sudden you have this new portrayed price system. 

I hope you guys are smart enough to realize what it is, what it is. Do your own homework, again, decision [00:19:00] fatigue. I get it. You want to work with someone who certified do that? If I was in my thirties, when I discovered human design as a one-line, we'll talk about the one line of the future. One lines love to get certified. 

We are the people with the 10,000 degrees. Where the people who never think we know enough where the people who sell a lot of what we do based on our authoritative knowledge and authority can come from many areas, but one of them is official stuff. So. I would have done that. If I'd discovered human design, my thirties, I got certified in everything else in my thirties. 

And in my forties, I was like, I saw this for what it was. I saw it for the conditioning that it was. And I just chose consciously not to do it because I'd be doing it only because somebody else tells me I need to do it. Not because I actually think that it's going to gain me anything. Is that English? 

I don't even know. So that's what I got to say about certifications and do your own homework. Et cetera, et cetera, but that's all. That's all I got to say. , You know, I've been around the block in the coaching industry. I've [00:20:00] been here since 2010 online world. That was when everything was a very, very intense sales funnel messaging. Ah, bro marketing. 

It was a lot of direct sales. It was a lot of funnels. It was, , very, very much masculine energy. And we have swung in the modern era to feminine marketing, which is very much like airy flow human design, energetics, airy fairy, and we've dropped this strategy stuff and that's its own form of positioning. 

That's bullshit. And I play at the intersection of strategy and energetics one without the other. Is of no benefit as you know, yin and yang work best together, masculine and feminine work best together. There's a reason why both have Mars and Venus in our charts because we need our masculine and our feminine. 

We need our strategy and we need our intuition. There's a lot of polarity built into astrology natively. And there's a reason for that because it is part of the natural way of being. So I've seen it [00:21:00] all. I've seen it a lot. I've seen it all. I've seen the first round of coaching. I've seen the second round of coaching. And so I see a lot of what's happening in the online business world for what it is. 

And I will call it out on this podcast because. That's what I do. That's what a five does. First of all, that's me playing my role in the world. And that's part of my positioning. That's part of my branding. It is. When you shy away from your profile, you actually do yourself a disservice because you are trying to play a role that is not, you think of it. 

If it's like a, a VFR scene, like a. A cow or an animal that's been raised with. To species that's not its own. And it's trying to act like a dog or a sheep. That's trying to act like a goat or something because it thinks that's what it is or it thinks it's what it needs to be to belong. You actually screw yourself and you will not attract your people. 

Remember that human design is energetics and energetics is vibration and vibration is felt. It is not seen. 

So it's an embodied system. You have to be living it. You cannot be out of alignment and be trying to do the system in your head. You have to [00:22:00] be living it and learning it. And that is a big part of what the message for the aligned Alchemist is. It's going down the human path. We make our mistakes. We are humans. 

We are going to air. That doesn't mean you need to be perfect, but it just means that you are living in integrity. With your design and you're living in integrity. What you sell. And you're selling and marketing in a way that is an integrity. And that's the kind of people I work with because obviously that is the only people that are really going to be attracted to me or my message. 

So. In terms of what to expect from this podcast. , I think we're going to be weekly episodes starting in September. I've been debating about bi-weekly or weekly, but I'll figure that out very soon. The episodes will drop every Thursday. It'll be a mix of myself and guest episodes and solo episodes. And the guests that I have coming up this particular season are all going to be human design or energy specialists, handpicked by me. I'm hand vetted by me. 

I know them personally, all experts in what they do, and they're [00:23:00] all specifically chosen. To be additive to the conversation that's happening. So, , it's not just an interview. They're gonna be deeper, deeper discussions that are going to be adding to content that I'm giving you. It makes the order types. Makes a profile lines all of the above. 

So we're all getting a deeper picture of our experience as sacral business owners. Other non sacral business owners, how are they living their lives and all of that. I say this in every episode and you have an option to text me below. There is the buzz sprout my hosting providers. It's a text me option that does not come to my personal phone. 

I have no background on you, your phone number or your email, anything. I literally get the message that you give me nothing more, nothing less. So, if you have any questions you want to ask me, you want to give me feedback. You want to give me anything. I'll do Q and a episodes. I will do stuff based on feedback from you guys. 

Feel free. You want to do any. You want to say anything? Nice. That's great too. , feel free to do that there. If [00:24:00] you're enjoying this, if you're liking this. So give me some feedback. And if you already are enjoying this, as some of you guys have done this already, the best way to support me is to leave a review on apple. It's really easy to go to the main page. You scroll to the bottom. And just leave five stars and leave a sentence without that. it looks a little bit spammy. And that shows me that you guys feel this is needed and that you're getting something out of this couple of words would be great. Either or of those awesome. More to come very soon ways to work with me, ways to enter my world paid and not. The next episode, we're going to talk a lot about branding. I'm going to give you some examples of how I even, I started this podcast almost fell into the trap of listening to the not self. And we're going to talk about branding and being yourself. As a business owner, as a sacred being, see you on the next one.